[Release] FiveM To Discord

When will you solve the problem, if the killer does not appear?

–>never tells me about this problem

–>When will you solve the problem, if the killer does not appear?

I am not aware of this “problem”. If you could provide more information, I could figure it out…

I was able to get the RP Chat commands working. It required me to edit the FiveM Chat by adding a server event to send the chat text before command execution to the discord resource. Not a standalone solution for your wonderful script but it works :slight_smile:

Yeah, I already know this but that is no solution, like you said. Also it won’t work if the command gets executed through the F8 Console…


Problem is, when one person kill the other, it only appears that someone has died. Not showing who is the killer, follow the print. The killer does not appear

I am using RPChat and it appears to cancel the commands and won’t send them to the Discord. Would this be where I would use the ToDiscord event? If this is the case, could anyone provide me with an example for one of the commands below?

RegisterCommand('me', function(source, args, user)
      local name = GetPlayerName(source)
      TriggerClientEvent("sendProximityMessageMe", -1, source, name, table.concat(args, " "))
      TriggerEvent('DiscordBot:ToDiscord', 'WHICH_CHANNEL', 'NAME', 'MESSAGE', 'IMAGE_URL', true) 
-- not to sure what to put where for the above line 
  end, false)


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Guess I should’ve did a search in here before hand. Anyway you can share how you fixed that?

Why is this happening? i changed only the webhooks, nothing else


hi i want find solution to make send message like this
can you help me please?
the random name is not mandatory, no name is good
using a command / tweet and / dark for example


 -- Channels: 'chat' or 'system' or 'kill'

TriggerEvent('DiscordBot:ToDiscord', 'WHICH_CHANNEL', 'NAME', 'MESSAGE', 'IMAGE_URL', true)

For example:
To send a message in the CHAT channel:
The name of the sender: Flatracer
The message: This is the message
The image used as profile picture: https://i.imgur.com/KIcqSYs.png
TriggerEvent('DiscordBot:ToDiscord', 'chat', 'Flatracer', 'This is the message', 'https://i.imgur.com/KIcqSYs.png', true)

Which version are you using?

You just blew my mind that you can feed it an image URL.

Joey, it requires quite a bit of editing to fivem chat and this resource. I wouldn’t release this “fix” without Flatracer’s approval because it isn’t a standalone fix to the resource. If he says ok, ill post the code.

Updated to v1.5.2

  • Re-Done the ToDiscord Event

Also, if you have the problem with some commands not being sent to discord, check the newly added spoiler: (How to) 'Fix' some commands not printing (Not recommended though)

Download in the First Post!

Have a question can you restart the server from discord with this? If you can how?

No, you can’t.

Messages from players are not showing on discord bot, only left/join any fix?

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I will take a look at this today

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dm me when you found the fix cause im having this 2

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For everyone having this problem, please revert to the last version.

I will update this topic as soon as I found the bug and fixed it.


Same issue for me as well after i updated to version 1.5.2