[release]FiveM Status Bot

A Discord bot with Automated Server Status and RCON built in.

Now in over 2,000 Servers!

Invite the hosted bot for free! Click here!
Use the /ip command to setup your server!

Invite the bot and purchase a subscription on our website!

Use code 1STMONTH to get the first month for just $1!


Shows all commands for the bot

Shows one time message of server status

Checks the bot status

Gives usful information on your fivem server

discord discord_id
example: discord 201542658432353
Finds user on server by their discord id and shows their account information

id id
example: id 5
Finds user on server by their server id and shows their account information

player player_name
example: player shaggst8r
Finds user on server by their playername and shows their account information

addroles @role
example: addroles @staff
Adds support role for server

removeroles @role
example: removeroles @staff
Removes support role from server

Lists all support roles for guild

ip x.x.x.x
example: ip
Changes ip of the server for server status

port xxxx
example: port 30120
Changes port of the server for server status

statuschannel channel
example: statuschannel #serverstatus
Starts automated server status updates to selected channel

Enables RCON commands for support team

statustitle title
example: statustitle My Server Name
Sets custom title name for server status messages

statusicon link
example: statusicon https://logos-world.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/FiveM-Logo.png
Sets custom thumbnail for server status messages

Sends you information to help setup rcon on your server

rconpassword password
example: rconpassword myRCONpassword
Sets password for rcon commands

rconstop File Name
example: rconstop vMenu
Stops File Name on FiveM server

rconstart File_Name
example: rconstart vMenu
Starts File Name on FiveM server

rconrestart File_Name
example: rconrestart vMenu
Restarts File Name on FiveM server

Refreshes File Name on FiveM server

rconkick id
example: rconkick 6 for this reason
Kicks user from FiveM server

rconsay message
Says message in server chat.



very cool :+1:

1 Like

You can find better then this, they look more clear and more nicer.

then use those? lol no one is making you use this one

1 Like

Don’t be like that. It was hard work for him I guess and you could respect that work… but no, you make his work in seconds bad…
I think his work is good. No one needs comments like yours.


İt’s very awsome and usefull thank you!

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