[RELEASE] FiveM server logs on Telegram

Hello, I want to release and show you how to receive your server logs on your phone from FiveM using Telegram messages.


First of all, let’s set up a Telegram Bot:

  1. Search for @BotFather on Telegram, you need it to create the bot
  2. Start the bot with /start
  3. Type /newbot
  4. Type the name of your bot and copy the token
  5. Now search for t.me/yourbotname and send him a message
  6. Now open https://api.telegram.org/botYOURBOTTOKEN/getUpdates On your browser and search for the chat ID and copy it
    (You can also add your bot to groups and copy the chat id of the group)

Now we are ready to setup the code for FiveM:

  1. Github code here you can find the event used to send messages.
  2. Just trigger the server event and have fun :slight_smile: You can use this for practically everything, chat logs, kill logs and more.

I hope this will help you and your staff, if you need any help just text me :slight_smile: