[Release] [FiveM/ESX] FREE GPS/Tracker for Jobs/Fractions - six_gps

[Fivem/ESX] FREE GPS/Tracker for Jobs/Fractions - six_gps


  • GPS item
  • GPS toggle on/off: Use the item once to turn on the GPS and use it again to turn it off
  • Map display of all members/employees with the same job
  • Refresh rate of 40 seconds (configurable)
  • Ability to configure which jobs do not have access to the GPS


SIXServ = {}

SIXServ.NoAccessToGPS = {

SIXServ.refreshtime = 40 * 1000 -- in seconds. Recommended for high numbers to avoid server performance issues

SIXServ.GPSItem = "gps" -- Item Name


  • ESX

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Doesn’t work , look client line 44 there is no function called “gpstrue”

Can you make a LA version of your postal gang map

Same here as @AtuDevelopment wrote theres no function named gpstrue :upside_down_face:

Also, my server console screams at me permanently:

[      script:six-gps] SCRIPT ERROR: @six-gps/server.lua:32: attempt to index a nil value (global 'PlayerData')

dose not work at all!! everything is locked even the config wow lol

Ne version on Tebex. Works

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