Recommending the format that most ■■■■■■/GTMP servers use for text based chat.
No command - Local IC chat. Normal proximity. Normal white text.
Hey how are you?
Bobby McCool: Hey how are you?
/s or /shout - Shouting chat. Large proximity. Red text.
/s I’ll kill you!
Bobby McCool (shouts): I’ll kill you!
/l or /low - Quiet chat. Small proximity. Normal white text.
/l I don’t know.
Bobby McCool (low): Hey how are you?
/w or /whisper - Small proximity. Whisper directly to a character. Grey text.
/w I don’t like you.
Output to :
Bobby McCool (whispers): I don’t like you.
Output to all others in small/normal proximity:
Bobby McCool whispers to Jane MacTitties.
/me - Character action. Purple text.
/me strokes his beard.
*Bobby McCool strokes his beard.
As for the department chat, would be better to have an admin set department chats then assign someone to be able to add other members/groups.
/createdepartment or /created - Admin command. /deletedepartment or /deld - Delete command.
ADMIN - /created “pd”
/createdepartmentgroup or /createdg - Admin/Department admin command. /deletedepartmentgroup or /deldg - Remove command.
ADMIN/Department admin - /createdg “pd” “Chief” admin
ADMIN/Department admin /createdg “pd” “LEO1”
/adddepartment or /addd - Admin/Department admin command. /removedepartment or /rd - Remove command.
ADMIN/Department admin - /addd “pd”
/adddepartmentgroup or /adddg - Admin/Department admin command. /removedepartmentgroup or /rdg - Remove command.
ADMIN/Department admin - /adddg “pd” “LEO1”
/department or /d - Admin/Department admin command. Sends a department wide notice.
/d APB on Geoff Latte, last seen at Fleeca Bank.
/radio or /r - Normal command. Sends radio message out like normal chat but, has a radio statement at the front for the entire department.
/r Everyone needs to meet me at Up-n-Atom in Grand Senora.
Output example:
(RADIO) Bobby McCool: Everyone needs to meet me at Up-n-Atom in Grand Senora.
/radioon or /ron - Normal command. Turn your radio on.
/radiooff or /roff - Normal command. Turn your radio off.
Events of how this works.
Admin → Creates “pd” department.
Admin → Creates department group “Chief” as admin for department chat.
Admin → Adds Bobby McCool to pd department.
Admin → Adds Bobby McCool to Chief group.
Bobby McCool → Creates department group “LEO1”.
Bobby McCool → Adds Jane MacTitties to group “LEO1”