Let’s drop it.
You can adjust it to only work for my mods. Simply disable auto-kicking. Done.
Let’s drop it.
You can adjust it to only work for my mods. Simply disable auto-kicking. Done.
Dude, very unprofessional to start an argument. And this script dosesn’t whitelist the whole server. Just whitelist the people you add to LEO
Yes, Sorry this guy is just making me mad. I’ll stop
dude, go beat your meat… unlike you i have read everything and have it running!
I have members still gettting kicked from the server, i did that before commenting not a noobie
I’m also having trouble, when I press or enter any commands nothing really works it just doesn’t work I’ve installed all 3 scripts, and F5 doesn’t bring up the Civilian Menu, F7 doesn’t bring the LEO menu up I don’t think I did anything wrong.
make sure your on the white list, in game /leo then f7
only other problem i have is the status of officers are not updating
Did you use their steamid?
Please post the whitelist and a server log so I can check.
– Enable/Disable auto-kicking
– Toggle this to false if you don’t want to use this whitelist to kick people
EnableKicking = false
– DeniedMessage -> The message sent to the player if they are denied access for not being whitelisted
DeniedMessage = “You are not whitelisted; please visit kuffsgaming.com to sign up. Thank you.”
table.insert(players, {“steam:110—0ac60978”, 5, 9}) – Me
table.insert(players, {“steam:11—c51”, 5, 9}) – curt
table.insert(players, {“steam:110—f07a”, 5, 9}) – ryan
That is used if a non-whitelisted member does /leo.
^^ Ignore I didn’t think
Ill get you my server log in a little, my fucking kids are driving me crazy right now
Hm, I just tested it and it worked fine for me.
I assume the – are for blurring out some of the id?
Correct sir,
I can see there status, however when they change it does not change on my end
It’s telling me I do not have access to the command /leo and if I believe it’s an error to contact the admin, I’ve whitelisted myself on the whitelist script, should I be whitelisting myself somewhere else also so I get these commands??
Yes in the whitelist resource @ the bottom you must whitelist your self via the Whitelist Tool.
So are you having issues with people connecting still?
Hm, that’s strange. When they change it do they press “enter”? They should receive a subtitle on the bottom of their screen saying “Your status has been changed to {x}”.
Be sure you’re giving yourself access to the mod as well. You need to whitelist yourself and give yourself the correct value for the mod.
GeneralOfficerLevel = 6 *Found in fiskeyMods-leo/customization_settings.lua
AdvancedOfficerLevel = 7 *^
SeniorOfficerLevel = 8 *^
DispatchOfficerLevel = 9 *^
You must have a 6 or higher (max of 9) to access the mod.
Yep that happens, but I thought I should see it if they did it… I have dispatch and status checked
I did this, and it still says the same thing, not sure why, but for some reason it says I do not have access, Is the whitelist script the only place needed, because I think I’ve done everything correctly but it’s acting as if I’m not whitelisted.