[Release] Fire Script by Albo1125

Echo_Congo - thank you, your link to the script worked like a charm :slight_smile:

It seems to have few issues with OneSync. Previously, without 1S, it was working like a charm, but now

  1. Fire can be spawned, but doesn’t hurt players
  2. Fire can not be extinguished
  3. Fire also can’t be despawned

Overall great resource, but big shame OneSync isn’t ready for it yet :confused:

It is sad because this is the best fire script too. But at least I know those issues arent just me

Glad to know I’m not the only one dealing with it not working, hopefully it gets updated one day.

the script doesnt work, i type in /startfire 10 10 it says “starting fire” but doesnt do anything, please help

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The fire will not go out at all for me.

Any fix to this yet?

You have to do somethin like /startfire 10 10 10 0

How come is that the Fire Script breaks almost everytime someone uses it. Plus when someone starts a fire or Smoke. They can’t see it except the other players. The Fire and Smoke also don’t show up in any Recordings done with the Rockstar Editor.

I have this sometimes. But most of the time it works fine.

Sometimes the fires cant be extinguished but i just restart the resource once i want the fires to go out. For me its the best script around. Sure it isnt 100% bug free but it works.

Hi guys i finally randomize the fire spawn adding this,
public static List fires = new List
*** {***
*** new Vector3(2644, 4785, 34)*** – Coordinates
*** /* new Vector3(1540, 3138, 40),***
*** new Vector3(-69, 5955, 129)/**
*** };***

and in the line106 change Vector3 Pos = Players[source].Character.Position;
to Vector3 Pos = fires[new Random().Next(0, fires.Count)];

the problem is, i cant create blips in the location of the fire and send a message to all the users with the “Fire” Jobs.
Someone can help?

I have several problems with this script, we want to use it for our Fire Department on our Flight Server nur when I enter this command nothing happens. Just print: Fire started.

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Yep nothing happens when i use the script it just says Starting Fire


Got that problem too


@albo1125 Is there any chance we can get ace perms set up please.

Does anyone have a fix for the onesync bugs?

samething nothing happens

can you help me about spawning fires in 1 location only without editing the c# script ?

anyone have an idea how can i spawn a fire in just one location idea is like this

local pos = '2767.874, 1541.407, 24.016'
TriggerClientEvent('FireScript:StartFireAtPlayer', -1, pos, tonumber(1000), tonumber(300), "true")
print("Starting Fire at Palmer-Taylor Power Station")

for everyone that is having an issue, try pressing F8 and typing restart FireScript
that seemed to fix the issue of it not spawning for me