[RELEASE] Fighter Jet Head-Up Display (HUD)

Hi everyone! After some time I’ve finally decided to release something here.
Today I’ll show you a Head-Up Display made for fighter jets in FiveM. I guess you could use it on your flight sim server, dogfight, RP or some other gamemode. It may not be perfect, some features still need a bit of work but this version is already playable and i think enjoyable.

This script is completly standalone. It does not need anything (besides FiveM) to work.


  1. Custom User Interface
    • Yaw
    • Pitch
    • Roll
    • Speed
    • Altitude
    • Gear State
    • VTOL State
  2. Custom targeting interface
    • Distance from target
  3. Custom sounds and alerts
    • low altitude Caution, Pull Up
    • stall warning Wooh, Wooh, Stall Warning
    • incoming missile Warning, Missile
  4. Four different colors
    • Red
    • Green
    • Blue
    • Orange
  5. User friendly config file


Showcase - YouTube
Basic Live Demo

Preview of colors:

Green Version
Orange Version
Red Version
Blue Version


  • enchance missile alerts (I couldn’t find a right native to make it a proper way)
  • optimize the script a bit
  • maybe some community suggestions




This HUD was inspired by Ace Combat 7 and Project Wingman games. I’ve also implemented some of GTA V features.

Enjoy :wink:



If you want do realistic

  • Replace the speed by Knocts
  • Replace the altitude unit by Feet ?

In reality, the hud don’t say “gear retracted” maybe if they are outside but only on this case

  • Maybe add 2 mod : Only in cocpit view and, A mod for adapt the hud, to the glass :slight_smile:

But well done, great work :slight_smile:

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Nice job, looks very clean and simple

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You can select KM/H, MPH or Knots for speed as well as meters and feet for altitude.
Theoretically - it’s still based on GTA V units but I tried to make the calculations correctly.

Outside version of the HUD is actually a great idea. Might implement it in the future.

Also it’s not meant to be 100% realistic. I don’t have enough knowledge about aircrafts but I couldn’t stand the default GTA HUD.

Thanks for the response! :wink:

Going to be using this on Lucaas Flight Simulator! Can’t wait to see what else you have planned. Amazing script my friend!

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Any chance you could add a part to config to add custom weapons to use this?

Looks cool

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Are you sure that the NUI sounds are played in mp3, I thought that they must by played in ogg.

I’m sure mp3 works - I’ve tested it after all

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I would need a better understanding of how custom planes and weapons work. If you know something about them, feel free to contact me and we can figure something out.

So nice!

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Can you go third person

Sure, as you can see in the video.

Hey, have the problem if I have it in the config on that it should only be on in the ego, nothing happens, then the hud is gone

did u find anything?

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I wanted to add more jets but then i got an error and the hud doesent load

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i found a way to add them

can you send the error messages pls ?