Hey everyone, here is a release of a FamilyRP styled voice. Basically whenever someone talks the circle underneath them will change from green to blue.
Please note, this does not include a VOIP system, however I can add one if you would like!
POST BELOW IN THE COMMENTS IF YOU WOULD LIKE ONE. (I will be using pNotify in this, as pNotify rules!)
Feel free to edit this however you want, but ask me and the other creator before you release.
Released with permisison and help from:
There has been credit given to this user as well:
Vizzra has gotten permission from the user above to use the code, I was informed by vizzra to also note this user.
So it seems like using voicechat proximity stuff is something others would like to have. I will consider adding that in, and making some cool tweaks and such.
Prox. chat has been added, pNotify will be required in the next push, will release by end of week. Please post comments asking questions etc. Or suggestions, whatever you like.