[Release] EUP for FiveM (SERVER SIDED)

ok i installed all there things the menu work i open it up but when i click on something it spawns random clothes not the ones i want…

how do i add a new vest to this eup
sorry im a noob to eup

So. I have tried and exhausted all ways of fixes. The EUP is broken and the/eup isnt the correct clothes. Any Ideas or help???

It’s not working for me, it’s showing the damn parachute noob outfit and some clothes are just broken…

I’m using a FiveM Element Club Argentum key:

And as you can see my profile here is also Argentum…

Any ideas?

image image
Im having this issue and am not sure how to fix it. Anyone?

How can i install this to EUP ?

Hello i would like to ask how to avoid weapon disappearing after changing the clothes

I have the $15 Element Club Subscription, and the files in game. I changed the server key, and the EUP stuff is showing in vMenu. The EUP menu wont come up. I am not sure what is wrong but the clothing went in just not the Menu. Can anyone help?

do u still a subscription to get this eup menu

what do you edit them with?

idk why you post pic thats skins its not there … the ems pack it not there!

local function setOutfit(outfit)
local ped = PlayerPedId()


while not HasModelLoaded(outfit.ped) do

if GetEntityModel(ped) ~= GetHashKey(outfit.ped) then
    SetPlayerModel(PlayerId(), outfit.ped)    

ped = PlayerPedId()

for _, comp in ipairs(outfit.components) do
   SetPedComponentVariation(ped, comp[1], comp[2] - 1, comp[3] - 1, 0)

for _, comp in ipairs(outfit.props) do
    if comp[2] == 0 then
        ClearPedProp(ped, comp[1])
        SetPedPropIndex(ped, comp[1], comp[2] - 1, comp[3] - 1, true)

TriggerEvent('skinchanger:getSkin', function(skin)
    TriggerServerEvent('esx_skin:save', skin)


Hey guys, any idea whyt this isnt saving the skin for player? Its only those 3 lines at the bottom, its working in every other script excpt here… and i have no idea why.

yes you do

hey man i paid the 8$ membership will it
work for EUP

Heya y’all im having a issue

Hey fix?

You will. Eed the 15$ Patreon sub in order for it to work

Could use a little help, I’m trying to make it so the UI can only be used by Police and EMS. Is there any way I am able to do that with this UI or is there another UI available that has that ability.

So I’ve heard you only need to buy a month of it and I’ll work forever. This really true?

Not true at all. You have to continue your sub in order to keep you level of argentum. Your keys will stop working if you don’t.