if you are using tokovoip ts3 voice chat, try this walkie talkies!!!
M key for turn on/off walkie talkie
Police channel is 1
EMS channel is 2
Walkie talkie images in the hud folder
if you dont have walkie talkie item you cannot reach police radio/ems radio
if you have both walkie talkies you can hear at the same time but you can switch channels (in the tokovoip_script settings)
Import en_walkietalkie.sql in your database
Copy walkie_lspd.png and walkie_ems.png to your inventory hud images if you use visual inventory script
Polis telsizini inventorynizde görmek için bu scripti kullanabilirsiniz.
M tuşu ile açıp kapatabilirsiniz.
inventoryde yoksa telsiz açıp kapanmaz
Hi, i have an issue with it. Nothing show’s up when i press CAPSLOCK’s key and i have no errors. Also i dont really understand how to set up my teamspeak, if you can show me a screen of yours I would appreciated.
That’s made for tokovoip, unless you have another voice system to use it’s not possible to lay it on “in-game voice” because the GTA voice chat is coconut.
What if I want to have both ambulance/police radio in order to talk to both police and ems?
Like page up for POLICE and page down for EMS.
I tried editing the code but somehow I always join one of the two chanels everytime. for example when pressing page down = EMS, then page up = EMS again… and not police.