[Release] [ESX][vRP] sawu_hookers [NSFW]

@ AbdulkadirAktas Remove your upload to github, you have not asked for permission to reupload this anywhere. And remove your release on turkish forums. You have not asked me what so ever for permission to do this. Go read the forum release rules.

Re-releasing without permission or credits:


Please don’t lie!
When I get this script there is no such article in the Readme file

When has it ever been allowed to re-release work? You have not even asked me for permission nor have you linked the original author or given any form of credits on the turkish forums. You did the same shit with @ KrizFrost chopshop release.

Where is the hooker location, I didn’t find it at the night club

Check across the road from the main entrance - he was standing outside the back of the neighbouring building when I found him. :slight_smile:

I did not find it, how do I open the hooker menu

Update: Added vRP Version by @HackerGeo in main post.

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thank you

For some reason this is not working. When loading into the server the script looks like this:

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Well i dont know what you have done but your on you own if you try to change things around. My default release is working without any problem.

This is the VRP version, I have just tried to put it into the [VRP] folder

You need to download some files from the other version so it should work
it does that to me

hello. i fix the problem. https://github.com/HackerGeo-sp1ne/vrp_hookers

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I Like your UI Healthbar, mind sharing it?

how to make sync to a player

FR: Voici la version Francaise. Meme installation, aucune bug connu que cela sois la version Anglais ou Francaise. Crédit de stianhje ajouter.

EN: Here is the French version. Same installation, no known error about it in the English or French version. Stianhje credit add.

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I love it :star_struck:

society_nightclub what this ? have job nightclub ?

Hi liem, nighclubjob here [Release] [ESX] esx_nightclubjob (UPDATE)

thank you