[Release] [ESX][vRP] sawu_hookers [NSFW]

I Like your UI Healthbar, mind sharing it?

how to make sync to a player

FR: Voici la version Francaise. Meme installation, aucune bug connu que cela sois la version Anglais ou Francaise. Crédit de stianhje ajouter.

EN: Here is the French version. Same installation, no known error about it in the English or French version. Stianhje credit add.

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I love it :star_struck:

society_nightclub what this ? have job nightclub ?

Hi liem, nighclubjob here [Release] [ESX] esx_nightclubjob (UPDATE)

thank you

This feature no longer works this outdated does not work on ESX

Someone has working send me I need urgent


Merci bcp, that’s the only version worked for me properly

Avec plaisir, j’ai du faire quelque modification pour régler quelque souci, par contre en version 64/128 slots faut le modifier, par apport a la synchronization avec les autres joueurs sinon il ne fonctionne pas du tout pour éviter les crashs

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I delete the script and notify but still i have the menu when i join server and can delete it

clean your cache files

I am stuck in that stupid menu when u choosing hookers. Pls send help :smiley: I have mythic_notify newest version…

Same here. Pimp is there, menu comes up but when you click on one of the choices, nothing happens.

The script works fine for me until the point of issuing the order from the escort.
The second I choose either of the escort’s 2 options, my server console reports errors.

error: proxy call vRP:getUserID not found
error: proxy call vRP:tryFullPayment not found

From there, the NPC sits quiet in the car and all menues are gone. Asking the pimp will not provide new missions, and I think the plugin is crashed.

it works fine if I use an edited version of vRP called Dunko vRP
Cool script, thanks for sharing!

I took the liberty to alter the client main.lua to include the chance of gaining a
temporary companion. Then it’s not as useless as originally claimed :stuck_out_tongue: far from.

All that had to be done (for those curious) was replace the stock action upon finishing the intercourse scene, with a custom feature that calculates some odds and possibly redirect to an all or nothing scenario alike the one that previously introduced it all.

HookerInCar = true is exchanged for hookerLove(), and the new hookerLove function is added for future calls. It’s only weakness is that newly introduced personal may withdraw an already associated pedestrian from the vehicle, at which point a war between the groups will occour. - this specific situation stalls the script from future recruitment.

-- Hooker falls for player
function hookerLove()
	hookerInLove = false
	hookerLoveChance = math.random(1,10)
	if (hookerLoveChance > 5) then
		HookerInCar = false
		hookerInLove = true
		PlayAmbientSpeech1(Hooker, "Hooker_Request", "Speech_Params_Force_Shouted_Clear")
		HookerInCar = true
	if hookerInLove then
			while true do
				local Coords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
				local ped = GetPlayerPed(PlayerId())
				local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, false)
				if GetPedInVehicleSeat(vehicle, -1) and IsPedInVehicle(ped, vehicle, true) and not IsVehicleSeatFree(vehicle, 0) and not IsVehicleSeatFree(vehicle, -1) then
					DrawText3Ds(Coords.x, Coords.y, Coords.z+1.0, 'She wants to join you. [~b~E~w~] to accept, [~r~H~w~] to deny. ')
					if IsControlJustPressed(0, Keys["E"]) then
						-- accepted - boost with stats, freedom and membership
						SetPedAsGroupMember(Hooker, GetPedGroupIndex(GetPlayerPed(PlayerId())))
						SetPedCombatMovement(Hooker, 2)
						SetPedCombatRange(Hooker, 0)
						GiveWeaponToPed(Hooker, GetHashKey("weapon_snspistol"), 18, false, false)
						PlayAmbientSpeech1(Hooker, "Generic_Thanks", "Speech_Params_Force_Shouted_Critical")
						FreezeEntityPosition(Hooker, false)
						SetEntityInvincible(Hooker, false)
						SetBlockingOfNonTemporaryEvents(Hooker, false)
						HookerSpawned = false
					if IsControlJustPressed(0, Keys["H"]) then
						PlayAmbientSpeech1(Hooker, "Hooker_Had_Enough", "Speech_Params_Force_Shouted_Clear")

Can you do it so that a player does the animations? Or how can I add them to an animation script?

Sorry for bad english, I use Google translater

Hi, I need help, everything works beautifully until one picks up the hooker.please advise me how to fix. Thank you

i have the same error

I used this script 1 year ago and it was cool but it has one issue if you start a fight with the ordered lady she becomes immortal then she kills all:)

when he reached the GPS point, the woman did not appear, Can you help me please…