[release] ESX Strippers for Vanilla Unicorn

Spawns a bunch of strippers in the Vanilla Unicorn on server load.
Pretty simple but improves RP quite a bit.



Download the latest version, drag the folder from the zip file into your [ESX] folder and add start esx_strippers to your server.cfg file.

Edit: That’s my bad, I added a loop when I was stress testing something on my server. I removed the loop and all should be working well. I deeply apologize to all who used the looped version. I hope you all can forgive me :two_hearts:


Thanks dude i think the guys in my server is going to like this

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it’s troll and it spawn more than 2,000 npc in the vanilla

Don’t work

Thanks for spawning like 200 AIs inside vanilla unicorn.


Yep. Troll script.

				SetPedFleeAttributes(storePed, 0, 0)
				SetPedArmour(storePed, 100)
				SetPedMaxHealth(storePed, 100)
				SetPedDiesWhenInjured(storePed, false)
				SetAmbientVoiceName(storePed, v.voice)

he gives them armour lmao


Woops, I promise I didn’t make this as a troll script. I forgot to remove the loop I was using to stress test something else in my server, so that’s my fault.

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we had to restart the server because the bodies wouldn’t go away lmao

Yeah that’s my bad. I updated the script and removed the loop, the update is on the GitHub.

And what’s wrong with giving them armor? That doesn’t constitute it being a troll lmfao

I mean why would you give them armour if you werent intending to make them hard to kill. :man_shrugging: Can’t blame me for assuming.

Nice it’s working good job :wink:


Bitches gotta protect themselves these days


Great script ppl actually go to VU now, only issue im having is the strippers dont appear on server restart i have to manually restart the resource for them to appear, once they appear everything works

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It’s work,Very good.


If we could make the clipping of the pole disappear… make it so you can pass through it, the pole dancer would stop dancing/spinning out of the center of the pole and awkwardly dance while holding nothing. For immersion, that bitch gotta go! or we need to tweak that pole! :slight_smile:

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Yeah when I first started making the addon, I tried messing around with that to see what I could do as far as a stripper actually on the pole but nothing worked. She just kept pushing off to the side so I figured I’d leave her in the files in case anyone knew something I didn’t.

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Any Chance we could get this as a Stand-Alone Resource?


but no solution… is the waypoint hyper sensitive and the coords are close enough but not just right ?

EDIT: FreezeEntityPosition ?

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how did u do that steel pipe animation :heart_eyes: