[Release][ESX] Show own id on screen

I can not know how you have configured your scoreboard, I only say that to me and I suppose that the others that have downloaded the resource works correctly, if you want you can contact me privately and I will help you :grinning:

Hi I will for sure thanks heaps agein for it

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hello good afternoon, I had a question that has nothing to do with the script but I was surprised how you had configured the HUD script, please if you can tell me how to do it or pass me the script would serve.

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Good, which of the HUDs do you mean specifically?

the food and thirst HUD

you just need to properly configure this script and adjust it to your liking:


many thanks

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I don’t see why you would want to add a script just for 1 small code

while true do

    SetTextDropShadow(0, 0, 0, 0,255)
    SetTextEdge(0, 0, 0, 0, 255)
    SetTextScale(0.50, 0.50)
    SetTextColour(255, 255, 255, 255)
    AddTextComponentString("~r~Civ ~y~ID: ~w~" .. tostring(GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId())))
    DrawText(0.170, 0.90)`

I have this in my esx voice > client … if anyone is interested I can send you a copy of my client to add
just saves resourse space


Hi, can u send me a copy? Thank you

sure here just replace esx voice > client with this one
client.rar (1.2 KB)


Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

no worrys dude glad to help :slight_smile:

is there is one for vrp?

not yet, I will bring it soon :sweat_smile::ok_hand:

I got one for vrp somebody made a long time ago

and you know if it works?:thinking::thinking::thinking:

I’ve tried it and it works perfect and I’ve edited the looks of it and my id was 2 on dunko vrp and its says 2 and it works perfect


so perfect, I’m glad it works correctly. :ok_hand:

Did it work for you precfectly?