[Release] [ESX] Shops UI

U need to add like this img/filename.png and u must define that in fxmanifest.lua and yes u need to create img folder inside html folder

ā€œServer requested resource esx_shops to be stopped, but we dont know that resourceā€ Anyone know why this is happening?

SCRIPT ERROR: @esx_shops/server/main.lua:61: attempt to call a nil value (field ā€˜canCarryItemā€™)


change that line with this

if xPlayer.canCarryItem(itemName, amount) then

to this
if sourceItem.limit ~= -1 and (sourceItem.count + amount) > sourceItem.limit then

then it will look like this

if sourceItem.limit ~= -1 and (sourceItem.count + amount) > sourceItem.limit then
	TriggerClientEvent('mythic_notify:client:SendAlert', source, { type = 'inform', text = 'Your backpack is too heavy to carry so many things.', length = 2500, style = { ['background-color'] = '#2f5c73', ['color'] = '#FFFFFF' } })

	xPlayer.addInventoryItem(itemName, amount)	
	TriggerClientEvent('mythic_notify:client:SendAlert', source, { type = 'inform', text = 'You bought ' .. amount .. ' x ' .. itemName .. ' for ' .. price .. '$', length = 2500, style = { ['background-color'] = '#2f5c73', ['color'] = '#FFFFFF' } })


still not work

SCRIPT ERROR: @esx_shops/server/main.lua:61: attempt to index a nil value (global ā€˜sourceItemā€™)

@jamesyyq73 need to define sourceItem like

local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source)

local sourceItem = xPlayer.getInventoryItem(itemName)

Can you help me? Anything wrong, there nothing in shops.

Upload image to any hosting.

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U did \ but u need to change it to / in database so it should be (img/game-icon.png)

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Can you give me the site to arrange the images

have you found a solution?

Sorry for bothering, I downloaded last version from the Github, but still, when I enter marker, it does not open WeaponShop gui ?
Could you please help ?

Nevermind, it does not open shop because AmmuNation is set as LEGAL in the config, which means you need license

how should the database table look like? because mine havenā€™t changed at all and Iā€™m assuming that is why I donā€™t have any icons ingame at allā€¦

Iā€™m having an issue where the item wonā€™t purchase when I click on it in the shop, can anyone help me out?

Iā€™m stuck with cannot purchase items

When i get home iā€™ll upload my version with images and. Sql file


here , this is my version
esx_shops.rar (111.9 KB)


deer, i got this popup after get into the server, how do i fix it?

I have one simple problem. When i come out from shop ui i canā€™t move.

Hello, how can I put more than 12 articles but without it coming out and being super ugly