[Release] [ESX] Sell to NPC

everything is working great for me but when I go to sell any drugs and it does the animation nothing is taken out of my inventory and no money is added

anyway to make it send a message to gcphone with gps coords for a failed drug sale?

Hey dude, i get this error when applying the city limit
would you have any indication on why it says this ?
SCRIPT ERROR: @erp-selltonpc-master/client/client.lua:38: attempt to concatenate a nil value (upvalue ‘drugtype’)

Does somebody know how to make a 30 second blip for police to see where the drug is selling? I made it something like this but i’m stuck :confused:

It show’s policemans blip, not the sellers blip

local playerCoords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
local blip = AddBlipForRadius(playerCoords.x,playerCoords.y,playerCoords.z, 150.0)
SetBlipHighDetail(blip, true)
SetBlipColour(blip, 1)
SetBlipAlpha (blip, 128)
while GetGameTimer() - timer < 10 * 1000 do
if IsControlJustPressed(0, 19) then SetNewWaypoint(playerCoords.x,playerCoords.y); end

Hello it gives me this error, can someone help me?

I don’t see the message for "Press E to sell…
I have installed mythic_notify and progressBars…
And I have this esx_drugs: [Release] [ESX] ESX_DRUGS (UPDATE version)

Any help please?


Hello, this script is so nice.

Do you know where this text is? this is for traslate, I didn’t find it in config. client.lua or server.lua

This isn’t my script.

ok I will check it, it should be another script. I put key “G” for the action .

Hello, this script presents the following problem if you stay still next to the NPC and do not press E to sell it.

It is the script of multiple drugs, I only use two of them.

I can’t get the zone coordinates to work, the script without modifying it works for me, any help please?

how do i make it work

He literally tells you how to do it man, you can literally copy and paste what @jonare said here.

I did everything written, we basically did copy paste, srry my english

Could you send me the code to put the coordinates, I would appreciate it because maybe it is updated or something, thanks in advance

The code is literally above man, i don’t know what else to tell you. It works fine.

Maybe check your console for errors? if you have errors arise, then post them here so i can attempt to point you in the right direction.

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Sorry, maybe I explained myself wrong, so I realized that if there is an errorunknown , I subscribe that this only happens to me when I change the code so that the coordinates work for me, and srry me english is translate, thanks

in case it doesn’t look good put this: attempt to concatenate a nil value (upvalue ‘drugtype’)


Change weed_pooch for your weed item name. For example my weed item name is “marijuana”. Check your database.