Player Info (stamina, health, armour, thirst, hunger and stress) stress can be disabled in config file
Player job and double job, secondary job for esx.
Player cash and bank money.
Server Logo
Speedometer (kmh/mph, gear and fuel)
Player location (only in vehicle)
Player can change hud refresh rate with a command.
Future updates
Film bars
Speedometer rewrite (the css is very bad)
Changelog - 0.0.1
The default hud refresh rate is now set to 1.
Deleted unnecessary natives
Deleted unnecessary events
The way the player’s needs are taken into account has changed. (esx only)
Corrected a grammatical error when writing es_extended
Added lua54 to fxmanifest
Your updating the data every 2000 ms by default which won’t matter in the long run. So please decrease that cause else it’s just going to be looking like how it looks in the preview with the values changing every 2000 ticks.
This is supposed to be 'es_extended' not 'es_exteded'.
You can just use the event instead of triggering an event for each one in here. You can take as an example my hud.
Why are you updating the status on qbcore by event and by playerdata.
Nothing in here will work since they’re supposed to be ThisFrame as stated by the native name.
Since you already have GetVehiclePedIsIn() as a variable you can change this to not not PlayerVehicle or PlayerVehicle ~= 0.
Could probably implement lua 5.4 since it will have a lower overhead by adding lua54 'yes' in the manifest. Probably could implement fxv2 oal too but would have to change vectors if being used without unpacking them.
There’s more that can be done but it’s just pretty simple stuff.
Good evening, the HUD is incredible but I notice a problem which lies in using the command “restart mp_hud or ensure mp_hud” so that it does not update since I like to edit the “CSS” to my liking but it cannot be done since the HUD it disappears only leaving the Stamina bar without presenting life, food, drink or the speedometer. Do you know any way to solve it?
Hello, Nice hud everything is okay, but logo doesn’t appear i put my logo.png in html files and writes logo.png in the config.lua but nothing appear …
You need to set the PLAYER.Loaded variable to true and when you finish editing it you put the false again. This variable is so that the hud only loads when the player enters the server.