[Release] [ESX]/[QB] Black Market Creator - Player Owned - Crafting System

:page_with_curl: Description

Introducing Ft Scripts a Black Market Creator. This script allow server admins to easily and quickly create player owned Black Market, through an easy in-game creator menu. There is a beautiful UI that also players will see when interacting with the Black Market. There are also many other features listed below…

Showcase video :camera:

:star2: Key Features :

  1. In Game Creator Command
  2. Create Unlimited Weapon shops
  3. Player Owned
  4. Manage Business
  5. Crafting System
  6. Easy To Use
  7. Clean NUI
  8. Languages (easily translatable)
  9. More Configuration Options
  10. Target or 3dText Option (ox-qb Target)

:computer: Download



installation is easy (basically just drag and drop), you can check the Guide.md file for it


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