[Release] [ESX] Puntherline's Car Wash


  • Washing your car for a price.
  • Price will scale depending on dirtiness of the car.
  • You can not move while your car is being cleaned.
  • Easy to use config for blips, markers, prices, locations, etc.
  • Multi-language support, although only english is available as of right now.
  • Depending on what marker you choose, it will change properties by itself so if you use a floating marker you don’t have to change coordinates, just switch back and forth.
  • If you have enough money in the bank, it will pay using the bank only.
  • If you don’t have enough money in the bank, it will pay using the rest of the money in the bank, then use cash for the rest.
  • If you don’t have enough money in total, you can not wash your car.
  • Extremely performance-friendly.




  • Clone or download via github
  • Put it into resources\[esx]
  • Add start esx_pun_carwash to your server.cfg file
  • Start the server. If it’s already up just type start esx_pun_carwash into the server or client console.



This release is amazing

show man very nice

please vrpex / vrp

Very nice. BTW Your graphics looks amazing. What mod are you using?


I have never worked with vRP nor do I have access to a vRP based server so I wouldn’t trust myself converting it, in case something goes wrong. I will still have a look into it, but I will promise nothing.

I’m using NaturalVision, you can get the FiveM version here

Download it and read the readme file, if you scroll further down you can see how to install it in FiveM. It’s super easy to install, just move 3-5 files into the same directory basically.

Did some tweaks to it. Maybe someone would like to help with getting this synced so it looks good for people who are riding with you or passing by.

That looks pretty damn good! I would see if you can make the particles spawn less frequently (only if it still looks good) to reduce FPS loss, maybe even try making them spawn across the car (3 spawn-points maybe?) to make it look fairly decent, or at least see how it looks.

I recently got into synchronizing some scripts so I could probably do that whole thing for you, problem is that my knowledge of that is still limited so I would probably end up synchronizing it for everybody across the entire server which can cause FPS issues. Maybe a proximity check, however if it started and a player would come close it would probably not be synchronized. Could probably get around that using a timer though… I’d definitely give it a shot!

Im thinking of having it just check who is in the car and have it do it for just them. Maybe down the road get it to work across the server.

wow. Waiting for the release of your tweak

Welp if i can get a tester to see if its syncing it will be released sooner lol

If you need a tester count with me. If you send me a MP with the script I can put it in my server to test it with the staff.

I’ve installed this script. Tested. But the vehicle is not cleaned after Wash.

Are you getting any client sided or server sided errors? Do you maybe have a resource that is supposed to keep track of vehicle dirt levels?

I can answer both questions with a “No”

Hello :slight_smile: Is it possible to add “particles” like “water” in this ressource? thanks in advice

There is, but I don’t know how to work with particles. I know that someone made this though, but I don’t know if he ever uploaded it: [Release] [ESX] Puntherline's Car Wash - #7 by ElusionPDX

Really like this script! Added to my server! Great Job!