[Release][ESX] Properties

I’m currently get this error, every time i try saving clothes in my property.

SCRIPT ERROR: @esx_property/server/main.lua:375: attempt to call a nil value (field ‘count’)

ref (@esx_property/server/main.lua:375)
handler (@esx_datastore/server/main.lua:98)
ref (@esx_property/server/main.lua:374)
TriggerServerCallback (@es_extended/server/functions.lua:160)
handler (@es_extended/server/common.lua:71)

if anyone got an idea to fix it ?

When you return to the city, I’m stuck inside the house =(


I’m getting this error every time i try to get my weapon out of the property:

SCRIPT ERROR: @esx_property/server/main.lua:255: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘data’)

	elseif type == 'item_weapon' then
		TriggerEvent('esx_datastore:getDataStore', 'property', xPlayerOwner.identifier, function(store)
			local storeWeapons = store.get('weapons') or {}
			local weapon = storeWeapons[data.current.count] -- count is the index

			if weapon then
				if not xPlayer.hasWeapon(weaponName) then
					table.remove(storeWeapons, data.current.count)
					store.set('weapons', storeWeapons)

					xPlayer.addWeapon(weapon.name, weapon.ammo)

does anyone know why when i go back to the city i can’t leave the house?

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got it fixed

I want to remove blips for users that dont own the property and shows only for realesateagent . Can anybody help me on this?

SO! First off LOVE THE SCRIPT! It works PERFECT and have always loved it. However, I’m asking you guys for a little help; I’m currently under the impression that I can only load my saved outfits from properties I personally own. I have seen this where you can walk to the back of the clothing store and load your same outfits etc. What part of this esx_properties is the saving and managing these outfits? I was wondering because I want to use it by itself standalone - or just for anyone to walk up and access their wardrobe for free for instance so I can load/save outfits easily. Does anyone have a solution? It works perfect to load/save/manage the outfits I pay from the store in my owned properties (as the script should), but I was wondering if there’s a way to do what I’m trying to do? please be easy on me haha i’m still really new and learning etiquette. I appreciate the hard work and that this is still kickin!

how to fix this error?

check your database, I had something wrong there. Can’t remember anymore.

How can I do so that once a user buys a property, he cannot visit or buy it until the owner sells it?

A little help needed on how to configure rent payment time. Searched everywhere but couldn’t seem to find it, maybe I’m just dumb.

when i try to get drugs out of my property inventory it shows me this error and the object does not leave the property.

Has anyone fixed it?

What do I put in properties config so the correct names of the housing shows up?

Config = {}

Config.DrawDistance = 100

Config.MarkerSize = {x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 1.0}

Config.MarkerColor = {r = 102, g = 102, b = 204}

Config.RoomMenuMarkerColor = {r = 102, g = 204, b = 102}

Config.MarkerType = 27

Config.RentModifier = 200 – rent price: / (rounded)

Config.SellModifier = 2 – sell price: / (rounded)

Config.Properties = {}

Config.EnablePlayerManagement = false – If set to true you use esx_realestateagentjob

Config.Locale = ‘en’

Anyone have a version of this where you can have a second owner or a way to give keys to the house to people?

Hey i have a question about rent, i basically did everyrhing and the esx works fine but i cant find the way to make the rent possible, i can buy it and acces everything, just cant figure it out how to make the rent possible. Appreciate any help :slight_smile:

getting an error causing crash on my server

please help

I love the script but I have problems with exiting the house after loggin out. In the database I can see last_property is saved and when I log in then I can see the circle to exit and the message to press “E” appears but I wont get teleported out. Can anyone please help me?

I imported all tables correct and I can see “last_property”… I dont get what im doing wrong :frowning:

Do you have the Outside cords in the property Database ?

Does anyone know what the error is?

Find the following row in client/main.lua:

AddEventHandler('esx:onPlayerSpawn', function()

Simple replace esx:onPlayerSpawn with playerSpawned
After this make sure you restart the server.

Try this, maybe solve your problem

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