[RELEASE][ESX] Premium Admin Menu | NativeUI

This is a FiveM Custom Admin/Staff Menu made from ESX and Native UI. The script is open source in client side and not IP-locked. The menu gives many useful options for the server staff & developers. You can check it out on Tebex

You can take a look at the whole menu options here: Admin Menu Options - Imgur

- Beautiful Menu with useful options, even for a newbie staff or an owner that isn’t experienced in FiveM development.

-Includes permissions , only staffs can open it

-Has custom ban options like ban an offline steam name and ban an id from the menu interface

-Options to edit everything about a vehicle & the vehicles of a certain user

-Includes premium webhook logs for every action someone does in the menu

-Utilities to get rid of boring commands & make staff’s job easier

-Incorporated options to punish or remove punishment from players

-It is a highly configurable script

-It doesn’t use many resources on resource monitor

-Developer Options to make their job easier

-Ability to screenshot a player’s game & send it to Discord

-Added permission editing of staff directly from the menu

Recent Updates:

  • Much more clean & readable code for developers
  • Improved FPS & reduced CPU Usage
  • Made the UI better & fixed some major bugs
  • Added Developer Options Submenu
  • Reduced some esx compatibility issues (works with esx 1.2)

For any questions or clarifications for the menu, feel free to contact me.

Code is accessible Yes (Client-Side)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 4000
Requirements ESX - NativeUI
Support Yes

The tebex is locked.