This resource gives your police the ability to track any kind of vehicle given that you have its license plate. When the tracker is activated it displays a moving blip on the map, tracking the location of the vehicle. All trackers are synched via server-side so if a cop joins the server there’s no problem displaying the active trackers. The vehicle tracker comes with a user-friendly interface and it’s easy to customize if you please to do so. This is my first time releasing a resource so if you have any questions or feedback then please drop a comment down below, thanks!
You can track any kind of vehicle
You can remove active trackers
Active trackers expire under a certain amount of time
Synched with all players including server-side
Easy customizable via the config file
User-friendly UI
Get into a vehicle and make sure your job is set to police then open the tracker with F9 (can be changed in the config) and input the license plate then click search. To remove the license plate from the tracker click remove.
Drop the given folder into the esx folder and start it in the server.cfg.
Damn this resource is really good man, for some reason i encounter 1 issue tho, if i am correct, the UI is spamming unless you move the cursor, if you dont move the cursor when opening and you send a message for debugging, it sends a lot of times the message until you move the cursor, i even tried to open a tablet when doing this action and the tablet was opening/closing multiple times in few seconds. Could you check it out?
Ah yes, it’s GitHub as it names my resource -master, remove the -master and the whole script should work just fine. Example: mark-b_police-tracker-master remove master and it should look like that: mark-b_police-tracker… I’ll upload the source to this website as well. @TheTrueUprising
Is there a way you can make it use two control buttons pressed to open it? It keeps interfering with other keybinds. Hoping we can do like left ctrl+t. Just not sure how to do that
@TheTrueUprising Name it mark-b_police-tracker as it is, otherwise, if you want a custom name for the resource for whatever reason then you need to edit few things in the html/handler.js.
T interferes with the chat unless you have it bound to a different key. @entropiagaming
while true do
if IsControlPressed(1, 341) and IsControlJustPressed(1, 183) then --CTRL + G
local playerData = ESX.GetPlayerData()
if isInVehicle() and == "police" then
SetNuiFocus(true, true)
SendNUIMessage({type = 'ui', display = true})