[Release] ESX Plastic Surgery

A Modified Version of the /SKIN Command I know allot of people want a place to change in RP so Plastic Surgery is the way to go! Why not the FixAFace3000!!! -Tip Just go to the Morgue Interior

Cords- 242.43 -1377.48 38.53

Pic https://gyazo.com/732df7346f54dffb4f49ee9540b34468

Download http://www.mediafire.com/file/9kp7g4h22p8whyu/esx_plasticsurgery.rar


A marker screenshot, ye? And? x)

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No github or more screenshots?

X 242.43 Y -1377.48 Z 38.53 is the cords

Did you make this? I know there’s already a plastic surgery script out there for ESX.

Nope I DID NOT just modified Barbershop and turned it into a Plastic Surgery Was not aware that there was a Plastic Surgery Oh well lol Now people cant Locate a Version of it

It’s in ESX discord somewhere.

Any1 knows how i can do so when it says u dont have enough money, they will not get the change, cuz now it works without having any money

Hey dude, the blip on the map says it has no translation and cannot be found. and i cant find it in the locale or the config file. any ideas whats going on?

everything else works flawless though

You might need to update the locale file to show the following as it does not load correctly on the map due to it being missing:
[‘GTAOSurvival_blip’] = ‘Plastc Surgery’

Hope this helps others fix this issue too.

Update your locale file with the following code
[‘GTAOSurvival_blip’] = ‘Plastc Surgery’

so mine (en.lua) looks like this:
Locales[‘en’] = {

['valid_purchase'] = 'validate this purchase?',
['yes'] = 'yes',
['no'] = 'no',
['not_enough_money'] = 'you do not have enough money',
['press_access'] = 'press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to access the menu',
['barber_blip'] = 'FixYourFace3000',
['you_paid'] = 'you paid ',
['GTAOSurvival_blip'] = 'Plastc Surgery'


and it should work for you.

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I have the original one if u want it?

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would you be able to give me a had with this ??

How do i go into the morgue? I have no marker to enter the morgue.

Thank you!

What do you need help with?

It’s possible to change skin on plastic surgery?
Or maybe add this function?

can I get that

no working

why it wont work when i move it?