[RELEASE] ESX PLANTING - planting weed and other plants!

You should just read github readme.

Where is your min and max values?

{label = ā€˜yesā€™, value = 1, min = 7, max = 24}

to receive somethingā€¦ a min and a max is needed

Yes, thatā€™s right. All is in Github Readme.

I also do not get weed and I have it in the database

AddEventHandler("esx_receptury:statusSuccess", function(message, min, max, item)
	TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, message)
	local _source = source
	local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source)
	local amount = math.random(min, max)
	local itemProps = xPlayer.getInventoryItem(item)
	if(itemProps.limit < itemProps.count + amount) then
		xPlayer.setInventoryItem(item, itemProps.limit)
		TriggerClientEvent("pNotify:SendNotification", source, {
		    text = 'Porzucasz część towaru, gdyż nie masz już miejsca w kieszeniach.',
		    type = "error",
		    timeout = 2000,
		    layout = "centerLeft"
		xPlayer.addInventoryItem(item, amount)

in config what is your last question?


Nobody will tell you where is the problem without any data. We are not diviners.
On 99% you have configured config incorrectly, or you do not have the dependencies you need.
If you are a Developer, you can do it, and if you want to do Copy Paste donā€™t waste our time.
You have written everything in Readme and you still have a problem.
Maybe creating a server is not for you?

Isi t possible to ass a tile prop under the plant? :slight_smile:

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Nothing is impossible.

Just want to say a big big thanks for the work on this scriptā€¦ and also a big thanks for sharing this amazing work with us.
this is a 5 stars release.

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Thanks! Enjoy :blush:

For some reason Iā€™ve made the en locale and tried testing it in-game but it was still using the pl locale.

go in localeā€¦
make a copy of plā€¦
rename pl to en
translate inside en
use google to translate everything.
restart server

be sure to load enā€¦ but you already done this

You will have to translate yourself the config question and some in server file tooā€¦

hello. Im Not being able to catch weed always says 0 weed at the end already increased the values and still not giving. anyone know what could be?

any error F8 and or consoleā€¦
does item in database is spellingā€¦ weed?
send your config last question. please

No error. yes itā€™s written weed

share me the config fileā€¦
ill try

those line seems ok

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Yeah lol I know what I am doing but it isnā€™t even using the translations. I set the locale file in the config to en, change the locales = [ā€œplā€] to locales = [ā€œenā€] and edited the config file to also be english.

in __resource
add your en file.
forgot this part

Ah, yes that is it. I always forget about the __resource.lua file XD thanks lmfao

https://pastebin.com/ZXLFYeL3 here it is