I made a command for fueling my vehicle, it fills it up but then it goes back to the previous ammount of fuel. So it’s 65 and then I use /fuel it goes to 100 then it drops back to 65. Any idea?
Is there a way to save the fuel data in the database?
How can I disable jerrycans ? Anyone could help me ?
For everyone that want to Blacklist boat or heli or anything , its simple , just Type in blacklisted vehicles , dont forget to use CAPS
How can i disable the jerry cans ? (VRP)
I am trying to figure out where I can take the kmh and mph part of the hud out so it only shows the fuel amount.
Hi there,
Been using this script for a while. Recently (in the last few days from memory) the script’s fuel now no longer moves. So I can drive with unlimited fuel showing whatever the car spawns with on the HUD. Anyone else experiencing this? Any fixes?
Likely due to the vehicle natives being refactored. Just found this tonight so I’ll take a look at tomorrow and see if I can resolve any issues. Been experiencing same thing.
Yeah this might be the issue. Let me know how you go.
We ended up, updating our server artifacts which resolved the issue.
Someone know why i have no fuel for helicopter ?
When i stop the ressource, all is working good, i can take my heli, but if the ressource is started, my heli dont have fuel.
Hello, how to regulate the fuel consumption please, urgent
I checked full code and was not able to find event which is responsible for empty fuel tank. is it managed by esx directly ?
I want to add
where i have to put this file? i dont have main lua on the script,want just to fix reverse drive
reverse drive ? Can you specify what you mean by that ?
Should be in config if I remember correctly
What code should I change to change the color of the number showing the fuel? Want it to show in orange.
when you are out of fuel car go in reverse,i want just the engine go off when car is without fuel
i have the issue where the fuel is filling up to over 100 on my hud for some reason, why? how can i fix this. i am using it in percent not liters, however this may be an issue with the hud im using, if anyone knows how i can fix this please let me know. also how can i set the minimum amount of fuel for an npc car to be given
this is the car hud im using which may be the problem
Anyone know why when I use a jerrycan on the vehicle, it just stops like with 1-2 seconds after pressing E? No errormessage nothing.