[Release] esx_newaccessories

WebServer:FXServer-Commands] Executing “ensure esx_newaccessories”
Could not find dependency esx_np_skinshop for resource esx_newaccessories.
Couldn’t start resource esx_newaccessories.

now it works but i cant move, cant put esc or something

Included in the script, thanks to you

had an update on “es_extended” now it’s not working

80% of scripts wont work on new esx…

I have an error, when you buy the look, and you go over the circle of accessories the look is changed only to the previous one you had before buying in the store.

strange that doesnt happen to me

Hi mate can u tell me how to add more things like Remove Watches, Chains, BProf etc? Because in old script i haven’t problem but now i’m getting problems with it, everything works fine but i have no idea how to do this, can u help me? Or anyone else? Thanks

since the new update, i have a problem with this line

ESX.RegisterServerCallback(‘esx_newaccessories:checkMoney’, function(source, cb)
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)

cb(xPlayer.get('money') >= Config.Price)


Grate Release but how can i add the “K” menu into krz_personalmenu
i hope u can help me


fix buy item for the new ESX

change line 43-47 in server.lua

ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_newaccessories:checkMoney', function(source, cb)
	local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)

	cb(xPlayer.get('money') >= Config.Price)


ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_newaccessories:checkMoney', function(source, cb)
	local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)

	cb(xPlayer.getMoney() >= Config.Price)

Hello, I had a similar problem, try changing line 214 client/main.lua to this:

AddEventHandler('esx_newaccessories:hasExitedMarker', function(zone)
	--print('apretaste esc')
	CurrentAction = nil
	--[[if not hasPaid then
		TriggerEvent('esx_skin:getLastSkin', function(skin)
			TriggerEvent('skinchanger:loadSkin', skin)
	end ]]--

Greate Nice Job

But bracelet and clocks working not. When coming Release? :slight_smile:

We’re using this on a server and Using the K Menu doesn’t always let you take glasses on and off. Any suggestions?

I can verify that the Aviator Goggles will not allow you to toggle them on and off.

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Our main dev noticed there is a code chunk missing… he misappropriated where the code needs to be and once I get to look at our script vs. the current version… I’ll update here further.

Further information after digging. Attempting to purchase glasses is returning a nil value error in the console when accessing the esx_datastore. The same nil error is popping up on the same function access from the K Menu or /glasses.

This tells me the script is improperly looking for glasses because I have attempted to not only purchase, but also manually enter them into the database attached to the test user.

I will be continuing to work on this and will report back as I identify things. I will also be headed to the github to verify the error is reported there.

does anyone have the store converted to vrpex? if not, how can i convert to vrpex? Thank you in advance!

Great release, keep it up man

Did u find the solution?

good work