[Release] [ESX] [Mechanic Job]

Is there any esx that has the option of tunning vehicles as in gta online or offline mode? Cause this does not have the option

Hey, how can I do a translation e.g. because rank name boss to line or that is on my map stat Mechanic LSVS?

Do I also have to edit the data from the database or is it just enough from my resource folder?

Im running into an issue but its a random issue.

Players will go and do local jobs and pick up the vehicle and take it back to the shop no issues but then sometimes we have the issue / bug that they’ll pick up the vehicle that spawned and when they take it back to the shop it says its the wrong vehicle but its literally the only vehicle that spawned and no vehicles around it.

It’ll either say “wrong vehicle” or they’ll pick it up but the GPS marker wont update and stay on the map as if we never picked it up.

Installation says to do this but none of these files are with any of the files you download. Where are they?

I’m also getting this error when trying to go to vehicle list.

SCRIPT ERROR: @esx_society/server/main.lua:334: attempt to index a nil value (local ‘store’)

ref (@esx_society/server/main.lua:334)
handler (@esx_datastore/server/main.lua:80)
ref (@esx_society/server/main.lua:333)
TriggerServerCallback (@es_extended/server/functions.lua:33)
handler (@es_extended/server/common.lua:88)

SOLVED - had to add this to the datastore table for it work

'name= 'society_mechanic', label= 'Mechanic', shared` = ‘1’

Hello, i cant tuning car.

Hey how can you add a modded vehicle from the mechanic into the job… example a green buritto for the gang job and save it there?

I have the same question, cant get the flatbed to work. Like how it works, do i park the flatbed near the broken car? What key do i press? There are no instructions so yeah, i am trying to figure it out.

I believe i found the part of the code that deals with it, it looks like the mechanic menu is the way to go, however in my case when i press the flatbed tow option, it doesnt do anything. Even when all the logical tests are true.

Since no one provided a answer i will figure it out how the fletbed works and post it here. >>if i find out LOL.

elseif data.current.value == ‘dep_vehicle’ then

        local playerPed = PlayerPedId()

        local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(playerPed, true)

        local towmodel = GetHashKey('flatbed')

        local isVehicleTow = IsVehicleModel(vehicle, towmodel)

        if isVehicleTow then

            local targetVehicle = ESX.Game.GetVehicleInDirection()

            if CurrentlyTowedVehicle == nil then

                if targetVehicle ~= 0 then

                    if not IsPedInAnyVehicle(playerPed, true) then

                        if vehicle ~= targetVehicle then

                            AttachEntityToEntity(targetVehicle, vehicle, 20, -0.5, -5.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, false, false, false, false, 20, true)

                            CurrentlyTowedVehicle = targetVehicle


                            if NPCOnJob then

                                if NPCTargetTowable == targetVehicle then


                                    Config.Zones.VehicleDelivery.Type = 1

                                    if Blips['NPCTargetTowableZone'] then


                                        Blips['NPCTargetTowableZone'] = nil


                                    Blips['NPCDelivery'] = AddBlipForCoord(Config.Zones.VehicleDelivery.Pos.x, Config.Zones.VehicleDelivery.Pos.y, Config.Zones.VehicleDelivery.Pos.z)

                                    SetBlipRoute(Blips['NPCDelivery'], true)











                AttachEntityToEntity(CurrentlyTowedVehicle, vehicle, 20, -0.5, -12.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, false, false, false, false, 20, true)

                DetachEntity(CurrentlyTowedVehicle, true, true)

have vpr version?

have for VPR version?

has anyone made like a remake into like 4 custom mechanic jobs? im trying to find one and or create one but it isnt working. willing to pay…

Hollo there. How to customize the mechanic job to Benny’s or something else?. Thanks :blush:

i’m getting this error can someone please help me ? thnks

The only thing i’m trying to figure out is what is the carokit for with the body kit what does it do.

where can i disable the refuel function of a car is repared?

I’ve been looking for a while, but I can’t find it, could you tell me where the price of tuning is at the mechanic? and how do I set them to 0?

anyone see a easy way to set up a 2nd mechanic job (rival companies)

Does anyone knows how to put a blip to be in service or not like the police job?

My problem is that when accessing the mechanic menu the clothes do not change, I have tried to put clothes in the database but it still does not work, it gives me this error.