Hello everyone, this is my first ever release, and I hope it’s useful for people out there that like me were having a bad day, specially with new server owners, we tend to be working daily on our servers and we tend to be using our server for changes the majority of the time, and we have people that keep entering on and off, so we need something that keeps people off for a while until we finish our thing…
And even so, even when you’re just updating stuff in your server and you want to work alone, you can use this resource as well.
This is ESX Maintenance. Your own personal bouncer.
As the name implies, this will allow you to put your server under maintenance mode that will keep people away for until you decide that they can come back…
Extract the esx_maintenance-master.zip under your resources/[esx] and then rename the folder to esx_maintenance (without -master)…
Go to your server.cfg add this line:
start esx_maintenance
To enable or disable while your server is running, simply go to the config.lua do what you wanna do (disable or enable maintenance mode / true or false) then simply go to the FiveM-CLI and type restart esx_maintenance that should update the resource.
doesnt work for me, if i put a second steam id, then both cant join
this is my config:
cfg = {}
cfg.isOnMaintenance = true – TRUE = is on Maintenance | FALSE = is NOT on maintenance. Ez-Pz.
cfg.AllowedIDs = { – Allowed/Whitelisted SteamIDs