im trying those link are solution. but es_extended issue not fix
remove red selection!
not fix, problem is continues.
same problem is policejob dead body search.
please your es_extended file send me ?
i have mods and config in my extended.
bro the solution is in those 2 links that I send you, that the weapons are doubled when you confiscate a dead person.
You just need to read well and follow the steps 1 x 1.
you are es_extended version whats is ?
when i click on E to loot my injure friend
anything not happen
shoud i do something in esx_inventory or…?
anybody fix my problem!? this not worked for me
u can send me video or gif.
me to please if u can help
Can you sent it to me?
its not work with me way ?
you got all answer in this topic… @lord0o give the complete key for resolve the problem with the complete code… and @ShinxD help a lot with code to change in each part of other script for user of Inventoryhud…
just read please…
and thanks for this big help for me the script work great with animation and progressbar and inventoryhud.
i do but not work
can someone help me already tried everything and just give this error
i cant make this work, i just copied in resource and added to cfg but i cant find the key also if i press E after kill somebody it doesnt work somebody can help me?
Hi, I want to ask how to write code.
Can rob the body of NPC or zombie~ Thank you