[Release] [ESX] Loot the dead body

the weapons or things are duplicated after reviving, some solution please, the script is very good but I can not find a solution to this

i cant make this work, i just copied in resource and added to cfg but i cant find the key also if i press E after kill somebody it doesnt work somebody can help me?

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Would you be willing to share the lines of code you wrote for inventoryhud?

find in client.lua

function OpenBodySearchMenu

DELETE all function or remplace with this

function OpenBodySearchMenu(player)
	TriggerEvent("esx_inventoryhud:openPlayerInventory", GetPlayerServerId(player), GetPlayerName(player))

There is a problem as I show in the image, when the person continues to be left with the weapon even though you have already removed it

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yeah its ambulancejob issue please use old version

It seems that it is not the ambulance, why use the OpenInventory with the same person who takes things “is alive” and in the second the weapon was doubled.

it seems to be a possible buggy of the inventoryhud

im against this issue with Police-mafia-cartel F6 Interaction i uptaded ambulancejob and theese shit happends :smiley:

thank you for your answer, I currently see it difficult to change to an old version of ambulancejob because it is now added pills, prescription, handcuffs and drag

fines / invoices for society

It would be very interesting to give a revised to this script is very good to have few lines.

me neither i did give_license - look_license - Fine bla bla bla :smiley:

can you help me with this

function OpenBodySearchMenu(player)
	TriggerEvent("esx_inventoryhud:openPlayerInventory", GetPlayerServerId(player), GetPlayerName(player))

i deleted current OpenBodySearchMenu in esx_policejob>client>main.lua and pasted this but it didnt work :slight_smile:

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dont work it

delete all

function Openbodysearchmenu (player)



bro send script please

F3D3R4LL | Muhammet#1874 can you add me ?

True, but if server was backed up like every 5mins you could perhaps reset/restart/revert back to that state before the RDMer did their dirty work. Just a thought, but yea would be annoying.

and it does not work

did you find any solution ?

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Any solution ?

I buy a script to loot the body dead :slight_smile:

guys remember fixed or update “extended” for fix dupliacte items

I could adapt what is openinventory with animation + something comes in, as I told you

  1. Update the “extended” to fix the items that are duplicated.

  2. Install Inventoryhud 2.3

Then put what I put up. And it should work.