[RELEASE] Esx_jb_radars

you won’t get any notification, if you want some, uncomment that line
– TriggerClientEvent(‘esx:showNotification’, _source, “Votre voiture a été flashée.”)

It would be like when you get notification that your vehicle was fined
When you get the message, do you style it when you send a message to a player over the cell phone?

on y script its just with a notification

I have the script working very well.
generating fines for players and notifying them that it was photographed by a fixed radar
You could notify the police when a player passes a radar
showing information of the vehicle with plate and model ??

Where do i edit the society plates ?? to match the ones in your script?

where you spawn cars, before you spawn your car you setplate “POLI”…math.random(0000,9999)
something like that :slight_smile:

Can you show me an example??

Wrote this here on the forums, so it’s not tested and it’s not the greatest code of them all, but you can try it atleast… :smile:

-- Random from 1000 to 9999 after POLI (Like [POLI1898])
local numberplate = math.random(1000, 9999)
-- Sets the vehicle numberplate
SetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle,"POLI“ .. numberplate .. ”")

Please tell me if it works, otherwise I will go in to my test server and fix it.

yess :slight_smile:
POLI for police but then TAXI for taxi BREW for wrewer …

I’m going to test it tomorrow I’ll get back to you

Did it work? :slight_smile:

Cool! Hope it works. Me myself does not use any of the code but hopefully it will work well for you!

Can you explain me what to do with the Plateprefix?

Do I have to change it?
or can I leave it the way it is?

Here I left it the way it is and it worked, I just do not know if it’s getting the correct notification to the police, but the rest worked correctly.

plateprefix, on my server every job vehicle got a 4 letter prefix in plate from their job like fuel FUEL4567 police is POLI1234…

You can do as you like

updated version !2.0.0

new version coming !

I could not make version 2.0 work. I downloaded ft_libs and installed it correctly … however it does not work, and also I do not see the options of the old script (put to invoice, display the message on the screen etc.)

Was the old version having any major issues?

Hey is it possible to script it for ES ? I don’t use ESX and we really need a script like that just without any money :smiley: Btw im currently working on some radar models, thats just one of it:



Could not find dependency ft_libs for resource esx_jb_radars.

^3Couldn’t start resource esx_jb_radars.^7

you need to download the ft_libs resource from fivem forum. the script is working, but only with owned vehicles only for now.

slt dit j ai une petite question on fait comment pour avoir le coyotte il se trouve ou ?