[Release] esx_irpidentity - v1.0.53

Nahhhh not yet and i removed esx_identity but am thinking it might be some scripts what are calling the esx_identity so got to look into them and then try but what happen’s is like when get to the registration screen you can here the character spawn in the background and then when putting in name and all that that is what causes the character to like freeze laying on the floor so when get to character creator you can’t do nothing because can’t see your character due to him laying on floor frozen.

Hmmm, yea I honestly have no idea

Which version are you running?

Right so i just downloaded your recent version i just changed everything in the jobs what use esx_identity cleared my db with characters and users now going to test it. :slight_smile:

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So now i get this on cmd with the latest version. image

at what point and time are you getting that? @Kalbino

At the start of registration & character creation also was still laying on the floor.

I also have the same problem

Was this upoon character creation?

Make sure you have the latest resource, this was an issue in v1.0.2

In your database for loadout set default null to “[ ]” < you can try that. Not sure what exact issue you are having. So your default nill value should be [] < that may fix your issue, but you shouldn’t need to do that.
You need to make sure you are running the latest version of cfx as well. You can download that here @dkostin If you would like further support, feel free to paste as much information on either my forums/discord support. You can find support contact information on the readMe

So i do believe changing the default value via database will fix this issue. Some SQL servers are setup differently, and MySQL via php admin sets their default value to NULL. SO just change the default value to [] and that will fix your issue. I am trying to find an alternative to code it into the database that way this step can skipped by some. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please let me know if this fixes your issue. Also, give the database a couple minutes to recognize the change, it may not work right of way. Do this for both your user table and your character table. Meaning the loadout default value for users/chsracters

image after dong the null fix what you told me to do i still get that error.

Damn… hmm I wish you could screen share. I will look more into this tomorrow.

check ur db, make sure the brackets are there


Your characters and users inserted should have that value too, do they? @kalbino


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Yeah both has them.

Hmmmm…so when ur characters are inserted into the table, their loadouts are showing brackets?