[Release] [ESX] Inventory UI [1.3]

I don’t understand your suggestion

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Example: (for better designing)

And about the suggestion, I meant to say an array.


if you don’t like the design remake it, I won’t do it for everyones preference, and what do you mean with one line arrays?


Hey, forget about the people that think developing is a walk in the park and start asking for things for free. Good job on the release and I look forward to additions that YOU think would be great. I’ll be using this as a reference to create mine.


hey i get this when i try to drag items overs http://prntscr.com/n90aaj

It dosen’t do anything so nothing to be worried of

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when dragging items over should it show in the are to the side ?

when press esc , the cursor still there and cant do anything , what should i do ?

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have you renamed the resource?

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no , i just drag and drop , and add some item images

Wheres the give command, cash, bank…

there is no yet

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Please read the github before you come and complain there is much left and it’s still in alpha stage


nice work, i edit like this (it’s Turkish btw) and also feedback item select it’s not perfect you should fix soon

Nice Layout! I am struggling editing the design since I dont know html and css hahaha

This release is pretty nice i love it.
but how to make an item cant drag and drop or can’t using inventory while sitting in vehicle?

I tried to put “if IsControlJustReleased(0, Keys[‘Y’]) and not IsPedSittingInAnyVehicle(playerPed)”
but nothing changed

sorry for my bad eng ;-D

Updated it works with weapons now and It’s also showing money ,remove the flashy blue background as people complained


Really need " give " command @Toxicbacon

then make it if you “really” need it