[Release][ESX] Give or delete owned vehicle to database (plate can custom or random generate)

I have the latest legacy version and always get the following message
@esx_givevehicle/server/main.lua:164: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘ESX’)

ESX = nil
it’s at the top of serve.main, does anyone know?

I use a garage script that unparked cars go to Legion. So it depends on which garage script you’re using.

how do i go about fixing this?

Hello. I got a problem with this script. This script looks very simple, but everytime i try to use the command it show me “You dont have permission to do this command”. Its on my own Testserver, so i wonder why i should not have permission. So i wanted to make sure and gave me the superadmin permission again manuel. I restarted script and server. I can use all commands, but i still dont have the permission to give me a car. It would be super nice if someone could help me, I’ve been trying for hours and can’t get any further.

Update: I checked Database (im superadmin), i deleted and reinstalled the script, and i restarted the Server. Still not the permission to do this command.

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when i give players a vehicle they dont have the keys for the car

script:esx_givevehic] SCRIPT ERROR: @esx_givevehicle/server/main.lua:145: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘MySQL’)

we are not working whit identifier whit steam id .

MySQL.Sync.execute(“INSERT INTO owned_vehicles (owner, plate, vehicle, stored) VALUES (@owner, @plate, @vehicle, @stored)”,
[‘@owner’] = xPlayer.identifier,
[‘@plate’] = vehicleProps.plate,
[‘@vehicle’] = json.encode(vehicleProps),
–[‘@stored’] = 1,
[‘type’] = vehicleType

how can i change that?

AT LINE 73 CHANGE THIS MySQL.Async.execute(‘INSERT INTO owned_vehicles (owner, plate, vehicle, stored, type) VALUES (@owner, @plate, @vehicle, @stored, @type)’,

TO THIS MySQL.Async.execute(‘INSERT INTO owned_vehicles (owner, plate, vehicle) VALUES (@owner, @plate, @vehicle)’,

i have a little problem, the script work correctly. but i can’t storage a car give me a error the car is not yours.

just change that?
what about the other things under it sir

it says i dont have permission. I have admin

still not there

I am the owner of the server and I can’t dare cars how can I fix it?

i have this error all this time

change the esx triggerevent in server and config lua to ESX = exports[“es_extended”]:getSharedObject()
and then go to fxmanifest and add this command shared_script ‘@es_extended/imports.lua’

dot work

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how do i fix SCRIPT ERROR: @ESX_GiveCar/server/main.lua:166: attempt to index a nil value (local ‘xPlayer’) pls help comes up when i try to use it

Hello, I gave a player a vehicle but he can’t find it in his garage, why is that???

how do i fix this
@esx_givevehicle/server/main.lua:165: attempt to index a nil value (local ‘xPlayer’)