[ESX][Free] Mail Delivery Job - Remake

This release is a full rewrite of my first release on the forums.

Biggest issue with my release was the performance. The resource was using up to 0.15 ms idle due to all the open while true loops that were constantly running.

Those loops are no more, this release also uses PolyZone, nh-context and cd_drawtextui to maximize the performance, which is not 0.01 ms idle and 0.03-0.05 ms when drawing markers and checking for inputs.

In the near future I will probably convert the resource to use bt-target to truly maximize that performance.

The resource works the same way the first one did, but now you can customize it more with the fixed config. You can now add as many vehicles to be used as you want to, you can also assign different delivery groups to those vehicles (check the existing 2 for examples).


  • PolyZone
  • nh-context - Since the original nh-context was removed, this is a link to my fork that should be the same as the original. Any fork version that’s the same as original will work fine.
  • luke_textui

Video Showcase

GitHub Repository

Resource was developed and tested on ESX V1 Final.

If you run into any issues or have ideas and suggestions please open a new issue on the GitHub repository. I will not be handling issues in the comments of this thread.

Pull requests are of course always welcome.

I also want to say thank you to everyone who has purchased my paid resources.


I put a link to a GitHub repo for a reason. Please do not reupload my resource without my permission, thank you.

You are taking away traffic from not only mine, but from the other people’s repositories of the resources they spent time developing and some still updating without mine and I’m assuming, their permission.

Nice Work!

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love the script really nice

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Does it still use the Item limit or does it use the item weight system now?

There are no items in this script mate, the box is just a prop.


xPlayer.showNotification(“You were paid ~g~$”… payment)
[script:luke_maildeli] SCRIPT ERROR: @luke_maildelivery/server/server.lua:17: attempt to call a nil value (field ‘showNotification’)

An error occurred. How can I fix it?

Try Replacing the line that’s giving you the error with this:

TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, 'You were paid ~g~$'.. payment)

Thanks for this release/remake Luke.

Time to convert the notifications to mythic and this will be set for our server!

Thanks again - Whippet :100:

Having an issue where no errors are shown , console or f8 everything seems to be working but cannot open the job menu at go postal (have the marker there and the drawtext E locker comes up but using ‘e’ does nothing. Worked fine on my older version of esx, Wheres the best place to start looking ?

Not working with ESX Legacy 1.7?

yea doesn’t look like it is working anymore