[Release] [ESX] [Free] JoeHUD [HUD, Seatbelt & Speedlimiter]


top hud

Joe HUD (HUD, Seatbelt & Speedlimiter) - This is my first project & all feedback would be greatly appreciated - A HUD inspired by Cosmo_HUD & Nopixel 3.0 For FiveM (ESX)


  • HUD elements toggled in /hud are saved to the users cache, meaning you don’t need to turn every element on and off each time you load into the server.

  • Seatbelt System & Speed limiter with mappable keybinds

  • 0.01ms - 0.5ms (Needs to be optimized, if you have suggestions please comment them)

  • Circle Map & Streamed minimap/bigmap

  • Change how often speedomoter updates in /hud to reduce or increase depending on PC

  • Server sided commands / functions


  1. Download JoeHUD from Github

  2. Put ‘joehud’ into your ‘resources’ folder.

  3. Start in servercfg.

Do not change the name or most parts will not function.*

Voice Detection:

Mumble Voip - For mumble-voip compatibility, you need to add the code the code below to line mumble-voip/client.lua line 803

PMA-voice - pma-voice compatibility, you need to add the code below in pma-voice/client/main on line 193





  • es_extended

  • esx_basicneeds


/hud - Opens HUD menu to enable/disable elements of the HUD.

Seatbelt - Default Key [B] - Can be changed in FiveM settings
Speedlimiter- Default Key [CAPSLOCK] - Can be changed in FiveM settings

/Seatbelt & /Speedlimiter

Big thanks to:

Profile - CosmoKramer - Cfx.re Community for snippets & inital inspiration.

Profile - Antoine - Cfx.re Community for the colored map.

https://loading.io/progress/ for the loading-Bar library.


License [MIT]


Uhh it seems like you copied it from nopixel?


Yes, it is a nopixel 3.0 inspired HUD for ESX.


Looks really nice, thank you!

Looks really nice will check this out

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Man You Did a Great Job Loved It !

Looks really sick

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i think the map doesnt work, can anyone relate to this like it gets buggy ??

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What do you mean by buggy? Are you able to send a screenshot of the issue with the map?


Looks Dope!

When I tried it the map was flickering

The map can go from working normally to blurry and un-useable which renders the minimap useless. Everything else works as intended

I think that only happens, when you have multiple map’s streaming at the same time, as that is what happened when I used my HUD with OCRP postal map but then it worked fine after I removed it.

Can you an option to have the square map ?? That will be really good

If you would like to use the default GTA square map you would have to remove the circle map stream files and remove lines 329 - 362

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I did also I had to remove the html round bars

where about are the round bars located

and how do u close the ui

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You can close the /hud UI with the ESC button. The white circle around the map is located in the html/ui.html between lines 11 - 19.

i press ESC
and nothing closes

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