[RELEASE] [ESX] esx_dnaDoorManager - Synced lockable doors via Database! (POLICE) UPDATE 30/09/19

Me again! :oncoming_automobile:

So today I present to you a ported/converted copy of @Darklandz DRdoors! (Thank you darklandz for your awsome resource) Check out the original repo here > dRdoors

Massive thank you to @Hooder for his epic coding skills fixing the ms issue causing tramendous amounts of server lag! you my firend are awesome! :smiley: This script when first released would sit at a very high 2ms of resource use, But now thanks to Hooder only used 0.6ms :smiley:


  • Ability to lock PD doors (and others if you add them) :key:
  • Only police can unlock and lock these doors :policeman:
  • Synced with the Database! :card_file_box:
    – This is the biggest diffrence from other resources such as esx_doorlock
  • Easily add more doors to be locked!
  • Neat and tidy DrawTxt label (Small, Simple and clean) :memo:
  • Editable door locked messges (see in client.lua)
  • Ability to change how long it takes for the door to lock and unlock (helps with making the door lock in its appropriate place)
    – In c_doors.lua Line 76 & 79 you can change the value there.

:warning: Make sure to run the .sql file included for the doors to sync. :warning:

Enjoy guys! :smiley:


I will definitely try this out when I go back home!

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Probably I will change the text location to show it next to the door handle, that’s cleaner I think

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Yeah would make more sense i guess, Or just remove the text alltogether #Realism ;D


is there any difference with esx_doorlock?

the sql is getting error when u inject it!

Yes, Doors now sync into your database, So if a door is unlocked, Even after a server restart the door will remain unlocked.

RIP one second ill fix it!

Redownload SQL fixed

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Maybe you could look into having blow torches lcokpick the doors as well? And make the 3d text attached to the door at the handle area.

I wanted to add lockpicks as an item to be able to math.random unlock the doors but honestly not sure how to impliment it! :frowning:

If I was doing it I’d start with the usable item that can be used if close enough to the door. Then make it so when it’s used it triggers a timer followed by the random chance of the door getting the unlock trigger.

Ill for sure look into it, I guess if i can make it check im near a door then just trigger the event after picklock is done

I’d probably continue it at that point and make it so heavy doors need a raspberry pi to decrypt instead of normal lock pick. Watching this topic!


Dont be giving me crazy ideas god damn! :open_mouth:

Yes amazing idea!

Hi, sorry this script is so to speak similar to the doorlock? The theme of the doorlock is that it consumes or drives you crazy on the subject of the β€œms”

My question is that if this is so to speak optimized or does not have those problems.

thank you,

My advice, Try it :smiley: Can add timers to the lock so it doesnt instantly lock etc! i use this on my server and works great! Nothing likc esx_doorlock

If the door is for example 30% opened and you close, it freeze in that rotation, was it the purpose?

About to release an update where you can set the time it takes for the door to lock once you press E :smiley: