[Release] [ESX] esx_chatarrero (scrapping)

This script is translated into Spanish. An a video of the script:


Feel free to edit the resource, but be sure to pass it on and give me credits;)
This script is a modification of https://github.com/lenzh/Lenzh_chopshop
[ESX] Lenzh_Chopshop {no support given}
Thanks Lenzh :wink:

Change Logs

Added mechanic npcs with animations while scrap.
Added Version Checker.
Added a vehicle detecting system of: 2 doors, 4 doors or motorcycle. This modifies the reward.
Added a spawn of a vehicle and dispawn.
Translate into Spanish.


es_extended (https://github.com/ESX-Org/es_extended)

pNotify (https://github.com/Nick78111/pNotify)

progressBars (https://github.com/chipsahoy6/progressBars/releases)

Download and Installation

Download https://github.com/WackySpring/esx_chatarrero
Put it in the [esx] directory
Import items.sql into your database
Add this to your server.cfg:
start esx_chatarrero


Comment and if I can solve the problem


English is required on the forums.


Nice one

Are you able to add owner check? As in if a vehicle is owned it cannot be chopped

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Okey i will configure after it if i can

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Awesome will wait for your update!

Update pleaseee

Update for ESX 1.2 please? thanks!

Works perfectly fine with latest es_extended. You just have to change all “xItem.limit” to “xItem.weight” in server/main.lua


	if xItem.weight ~= -1 and (xItem.count + 1) > xItem.weight then
		TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, ('Ya tienes todas las llantas.'))

		xPlayer.addInventoryItem('llanta',math.random(2, 4))

Also, next time don’t add Spanish locales in the English file. Rather make a new one called es :slight_smile:


Locales['en'] = {
  ['press_to_chop'] = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to scrap the vehicle",
  ['map_blip'] = "Car Scrapping", -- No sale
  ['map_blip_shop'] = "Stanley's Car Parts", -- No sale
  ['no_vehicle'] = "You need to be in a vehicle to be able to scrap",
  ['open_shop'] = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to access the store",
  ['sold'] = "You have sold ~b~%sx~s~ ~y~%s~s~ for ~g~$%s~s~",
  ['not_enough'] = 'You don\'t have enough to sell it.',
  ['shop_prompt'] = 'Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to talk to ~r~Stanley~s~.',
  ['item'] = '$%s',
  ['shop_title'] = 'Junk yard',
  ['cooldown'] = 'You have to wait %s seconds before scrapping another vehicle',
  ['call'] = 'Someone is busy chopping a vehicle.',-- Se puede utilizar
  ['911'] = '911 Call',-- Se puede utilizar
  ['chop'] = 'Car Chopping',-- Se puede utilizar
  ['not_enough_cops'] = 'There are not enough police officers on duty to do this',
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esx_chatarrero.zip (13.2 KB)

this one is translated to english (all text that gets displayed, not items and event handlers)

its also edited to work with latest es_extended

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whenever i change the price for selling items the script stops working

i drive the truck to the npc and i dont have any part to sell any help will be appreciated

Did you import the items from the SQL into your database?

Alguien sabe como meter el progressbar? agradezco la ayuda

Idk if you wanna update yours but ive update the chopshop

May I ask how to change the money into black money?
My English is terrible so I use google translation

I also want it to change to black money! Does anyone know how?

Could not find dependency progressBars for resource esx_chatarrero.
Couldn’t start resource esx_chatarrero.
I have this error if you can help me