[Release] [ESX] ESX_Cargodelivery

Just updated the repo.

Config.UsesBlackMoney = false

You can now use the above to achieve what you are looking for.

Is it possible to buy a cargo with dirty money and get a clean money reward? I want to use this as an option to launder money :slight_smile:
GREAT Release btw. I really love it!

check server/main.lua file for the lines

xPlayer.removeAccountMoney('black_money', price)

xPlayer.addAccountMoney('black_money', price)

tweak them as you please

Will try, thank you very much! :slight_smile:

Just came back to say a few thingsā€¦ i had an error with the ESX style ā€œ_Uā€ that was use on the blip ā€¦ and i was wondering why it was named BASE JUMP on the map with a parachute.

I changed it for:
and removed the ā€œ_Uā€ and now its all goodā€¦ if its just me, sorry about that.

-- Create blips
		local blip = AddBlipForCoord(Config.CargoProviderLocation.x, Config.CargoProviderLocation.y, Config.CargoProviderLocation.z)
		SetBlipSprite (blip, 318)
		SetBlipColour(blip, 49)
		SetBlipDisplay(blip, 6)
		SetBlipScale  (blip, 0.7)
		SetBlipAsShortRange(blip, true)
		AddTextComponentString('BlackMoney Cargo Run')

Iā€™ll go redownload in case i got an old versionā€¦

What can I do so that more than one person can do this work at the same time?

Iā€™m sorry for the delayed reply, iā€™ve been mostly working on my next release.
Ok so, i will make sure this becomes a feature configurable in the config.lua file in the future.
Until then, start by removing those lines in server.lua

	if (os.time() - LastDelivery) < 200.0 and LastDelivery ~= 0.0 then

		TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, "Delivery in progress")


This will achieve what you want but i guess itā€™s going to present other problems down the line.
Proceed with caution.

I canā€™t figure out why it doesnā€™t register any faction I want it privately to use this.

Standard condition (which I have been using elsewhere)

PlayerData.job ~= nil and PlayerData.job.name == 'mafia'

Doesnā€™t work here. Any ideas what am I missing?

ĀæCan someone help me? I want to add something like, people can get reward water and breadā€¦

I have tried to add myself but not workā€¦ i only made work for all delivery point but i want each delivery point give different itemsā€¦

I have add this;

Config.Items = {


AddEventHandler("esx_cargodelivery:water", function(rewards)
    local _source = source
	local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source)
    if not xPlayer then return; end
    for k,v in pairs(Config.Items) do
        local randomCount = math.random(0, 5)
        xPlayer.addInventoryItem(v, randomCount)

TriggerServerEvent("esx_cargodelivery:water", rewards)

This work but for all deliverys the sameā€¦ i want each different delivery another item as reward. Srry my bad english and my noob coding i am newbie here :slight_smile:


Anyone know how to implement this on esx_phone3 instead of GCPHONE :slight_smile: ?
And btw, I love you scripts and how well documented they are!

When I go to the cargo delivery area, are the bodyguards there supposed to shoot me?

ā€“FR: Pour retirer le blips: aller dans esx_Cargodelivery\client\main.lua
mettre --[[ a la ligne 24 et ]] a la ligne 38.

To remove the code: go to esx_Cargodelivery \ client \ main.lua
set - [[ on line 24 and ]] on line 38.

@BibiJade if you donā€™t have calm AI they will. On my server Iā€™ve moved the blip inside for the job and added a few more bodyguards. So people who want to do the cargo job, need to fight to get their way in.

I do have a bug with the script though, had it a while and just posting here for some help for exploits.
we found a bug which basically allows you to receive the higher payout jobs even though theyā€™re supposed to be restricted if you spam enter + down arrow key.

Anyone got a fix for this? or came across the same issue, I attempted to simply make 5 different NPCā€™s spawn with 5 different variations of the job but had issues with the menuā€™s.

if not, great script non the less

Modifier le nombre de policier minimum en ville pour pouvoir faire le mƩtier.
Change the number of minimum police officers in town to do the job.

ā€“FR: Aller dans ā€œesx_Cargodelivery\server\main.luaā€ puis a la ligne encadrer sur le screen et changer le 3 par le nombre que vous voulez.

ā€“EN: Go to ā€œesx_Cargodelivery\server\main.luaā€ then place the line frame on the screen and change the number 3 to the desired number.


sorry i should mention that i already have that function, but players could still break the script by spamming keys in the menu and access a job that you would usually need +1,+2,+3 etc etc police online

Thank you for the response though! appreciate it! i should of been more clear

FR: Pas de souci, et oui il se pourrais, personnellement jā€™ai essayer et je nā€™ai pas eux de souci a se sujet, pour le premier a 5K$ il y a besoin de zero policier apre nous pouvons changer.

EN: No worries, and yes it could be, personally I try and I do not worry about them, for the first $ 5K there is need of police officer after we can change.

It would be amazing if you made it so if someone stole the van that they could then deliver it for the cash reward.

I got mission work, but no NPC attacked meā€¦ Wonder why i download the last version.

Curious if there is a option to change how many NPC Guards spawn, When i first went to the location on my server i had to fight off like 5 guards, I restarted my server after removing Blip and none spawned. Curious if this was just bc i spawned there. Either way i would like to increase the NPCs if that is possible. Give the players a challenge.