[Release][ESX] [EMS/Ambulance Job]

U can change it in db

Did you find a solution for this?

My problem is that i can not store the vehicle in the garage.

Here a image:

Anyone knows where to find this issue?

When I try to open the Locker Room, it says cloakroommenu is a nil value.

When i type /revive stuck on respawn available time and cant move

U need esx vehicle

anyone know if there is a way to add more locations , then when someone dies they respawn at closest location?

Config.EnableSocietyOwnedVehicles = false

This stopped working, it is good to have the option to activate or deactivate it. I want the vehicles to be free for employees.
In version 1.1.1 it goes well, but it goes wrong / revive takes me to the hospital being an admin.

When I die It will autorespawn and change to Freemode skin with the black screen and the time to respawn how to fix it.

Same here need help!!!

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same any fix?

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its only for the player self, by other players the player is normally

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Anyone know how to make “Treat small injury” and “Treat serious injury” work with mythic hospital so that when it’s used, it stops the bleeding too?

same here

to anyone who wants to be able to put multiple players into the same vehicle, you need to change this :
in client/job.lua

392			local vehicle = GetClosestVehicle(coords, 5.0, 0, 71)


local vehicle   = ESX.Game.GetVehicleInDirection()

gl & hf

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command /heal doesnt work ?

Only job grade 1 can receive a death message.
how can i change it into all ambulance can receive a death message after a player died?

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combatlog enabled? if yes, turn it off (just a quick tip not a solution if you dont want them to combatlog) hope it works

/carry command could help

am i the only one who cant send a message to the medic when im dead?

in general there is no key i could press to get help or respawn.