[Release][ESX] [EMS/Ambulance Job]

Please how i can disable vehicleshop in ambulance (new version this script) and need use only spawn car (old version)?

Thank you :slight_smile:

when i revive someone the person doesnt get fully recovered?? if a person use medkit then also that person is not fully recovered?

Check that line in main.lua, it should be TriggerEvent

You could eather change the way the clothes are chosen or add them in the config

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I’ll sound very stupid. But I update the ambulance job. Now I wanted to increase the bleed out and respawn timer and changed it in the Config. Lua but somehow my time stays at 30secs.

And another question. I use pillbox and the interior works but the front door is still open. Anybody had a fix?

Hello, I have a problem when I start my Server and this error appears:

Creating script environments for esx_ambulancejob
==== Enregistrement du telephone ambulance => Alert Ambulance
Error loading script server/main.lua in resource esx_ambulancejob: @esx_ambulancejob/server/main.lua:253: attempt to call a nil value (field ‘RegisterCommand’)
stack traceback:
@esx_ambulancejob/server/main.lua:253: in main chunk
Failed to load script server/main.lua.
Started resource esx_ambulancejob

and that is in line 253:

ESX.RegisterCommand(‘revive’, ‘admin’, function(xPlayer, args, showError)
end, true, {help = _U(‘revive_help’), validate = true, arguments = {
{name = ‘playerId’, help = ‘The player id’, type = ‘player’}

Can some body help me? then when I die I respawn instantly and wehen I respawn I have a infinity black screen or spawn at the same location I died

i need this help too

/heal and /revive commands are not working. It is showing " Argument count mismatch (passed 0,matched 1) " .

Also vehicle spawner is not working. When I click on " Do you want to buy this vehicle ? = Yes " nothing happens. No errors in console.

Hope you guys can help me :slight_smile: Thanks & Regards.

Are you trying to add all the ems money to the community account line police job?

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Did you find a solution?

Did you solve this?

How can i add my uniform from ambulance?

Help please…
Képernyőfelvétel (61)

Wrong config, download the latest config and paste the AuthorizedVehiclesi in your current config.


I have a problem when the player reappears in the same area where he died, why? any solution?

still got problem :frowning:

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90% Of the cases the ems cant see the person dead, for some reason, how can i fix it guys?

Hello everyone :slight_smile:

Same here, still got problem with this version of AmbulanceJob …

When I die, I lose my Skin to Freemode Skin, and get telported in an other place than where I died (whith the death screen on …)

When i click E to respawn, I respawn with the freemode Skin …

Any Idea ?

Best regards mates

The only solution i’ve found is to use something that refreshes the player’s PED, for example a script that with a press of a button does this:


An example on the whole script, (client side)

local isDead = false

AddEventHandler('esx:onPlayerDeath', function(data)
	isDead = true

AddEventHandler('playerSpawned', function(spawn)
	isDead = false

    while true do


        if IsControlPressed(0, 56) and isDead then --F9 key
            CurrentAction = nil      