[Release][ESX] [EMS/Ambulance Job]

same idk how to fix it

u running esx_kashacter ?
thats the problem

Is there any way to disable players from buying emergency vehicles?

anyone know how to fix this issue with dead people being synced funny. for some reason they just arent where they say they are and i end up having to revive them or one of my admins

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So when i try to get an ambulance i get this errorā€¦

Can someone help me ?

Some one can fix, left the server when dead having autorespawn
Sorry, Iā€™m not good at english

so, trying to add an animation to the player after they are revived by ems this is what i have so far

(under esx_ambulancejob:revive)
        --[[ -- Attempting to add animation after death.
        SetPedMovementClipset(GetPlayerPed(-1), "MOVE_M@DRUNK@VERYDRUNK", 1.0) -- Set the injured ped move, best one is verydrunk in my opinion.

any ideas?

Did you fix the distress signal for gcphone ? Iā€™m having issues :frowning:

In esx_ambulancejob
Find in client/main.lua (L118-130)

function SendDistressSignal()
	local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
	local coords	= GetEntityCoords(playerPed)

	TriggerServerEvent('esx_phone:send', 'ambulance', _U('distress_message'), false, {
		x = coords.x,
		y = coords.y,
		z = coords.z

And replace with this:

function SendDistressSignal()
	local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
	PedPosition		= GetEntityCoords(playerPed)
	local PlayerCoords = { x = PedPosition.x, y = PedPosition.y, z = PedPosition.z }


    TriggerServerEvent('esx_addons_gcphone:startCall', 'ambulance', _U('distress_message'), PlayerCoords, {

		PlayerCoords = { x = PedPosition.x, y = PedPosition.y, z = PedPosition.z },
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Fixed, thank you!

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There are times when the EMS can not see the body of the dead, does anyone have a solution to this?

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Push pls help

Which Garage Script do you use. I had the same Problem and i switched to advancedgarage, and then it works!

hmm okey?!
use ā€œesx_eden_garageā€

Thank you!
That was the problemā€¦

Iā€™m using esx ambulance, There are times when EMS canā€™t see the dead body, does anyone have a solution for this?


Is it possible to add SocietyOwnedVehicles?

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Anyone added drag to the menu and got it working?

How could I do to disable the purchase of the vehicle, that is to say that any range can have the vehicles without needing to have to buy it and store it in its own garage

How can translate and add new locales. This not support utf-8 charset