My second releae from my personal mods collection to share with the FiveM community. This is a highly modified copy of qalle-fivem’s version of esx_doorlock with a variety of configurable options, as well as integrated Utkuali’s new Fingerprint Hacking Minigame, special thanks to Utk for allowing me to use it!
@qalle’s esx_doorlock can be found here
@utkuali’s Fingerprint Hacking Minigame can be found here
2020-07-19 21-34-19_Trim
Large variety on configurable options! Enjoy the little EFT twist there.
Risky = {}
Risky.ShadowedText = true --True if you want the rectagle shadow background, false if you want the origional esx_doorlock promt with no background.
--Configuration for Utkuali's Finger Print Hacking minigame.
Risky.Utk = {
Item = 'laptop', --Item from your DB to be used to initiate hacking on a door.
Levels = 1, --How many stages of the minigame to be played. Max is 4, Min is 1
Lifes = 2, --How many chances you get to complete the minigame before failure. Max is 6, Min is 1
Time = 2, --How much time a player has in minutes to complete the minigame before failure. Max is 9, min is 1 (I highly recommend to set it between 3-1).
Risky.DoorList = {
-- Mission Row First Floor
-- Entrance Doors
textCoords = vector3(434.81, -981.93, 30.89), --Coords for prompt to be displayed
authorizedJobs = { 'police' }, --Authorized jobs allowed to access the door. Allows multiple jobs i.e. authorizedJobs = { 'police', 'ambulance' }
key = { 'labskeycard' }, --Item in your database to be used as a key to lock and unlock. can be whatever you want but player must have said item. Allows multiple keys i.e. key = { 'labskeycard', 'kibakey' },
lck = false, --Don't Touch.
locked = false, --Whether the door is locked(true) or unlocked(false) by default.
hackable = true, --If the door is hackable, uses Utkuali's Finger Print Hacking Minigame.
distance = 2.5, --Distance from Obj that prompt is displayed.
doors = {
objName = 'v_ilev_ph_door01',
objYaw = -90.0,
objCoords = vector3(434.7, -980.6, 30.8)
objName = 'v_ilev_ph_door002',
objYaw = -90.0,
objCoords = vector3(434.7, -983.2, 30.8)
This resource is not dependent on Utkuali’s Minigame, just make sure that you have nothing in the item slot in the config at the top. Same if you do not want certain doors to have any keys, just leave the item blank. This does allow for you to have multiple Keys and jobs, this can be used if you have a mayor or something that you want to have a “Master Key” to the city or make it a rare item. You can get pretty creative with this.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that this is also dependent on mythic_notify.