Delete This Please

Just Updated the dependencies, look there for a link

Question would it be possible to make them get out of the car when at gunpoint to rob them for the keys? Or make it where there is a chance theyll get out and give the keys?

I dont know how to make the NPC’s not run away but that may be a future update

Sounds good, was just curious, not that I have a problem with people blasting them, just wasn’t sure if thats something that could be done or not, either way, great script!

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Hello, nice work. Do you know what it can be?

u need [RELEASE] Progress Bars 1.0 [STANDALONE]

look at the dependency

Yes … I looked … the feature is already started on the server. Is there a correct pattern in the order to start?

this happens to me, the cars are completely blocked, and the function does not come out as it appears in the video, I have everything installed in order

YES, a mod that just works.

Thank you

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This is supposed to happen you have to kill the driver to get into the car

One little problem ->

This happened when the car is on a slope.
Could not see it when i was in the car. Had to look around before i noticed it.

And i never use a lock pick. I always break the window and then get in. Is this normal?

When cars are on the side of the street they are NOT LOCKED on purpose it is meant for realism that you would break the window and then hotwire it. For the slope issue I have no idea to fix it right now.

Preview Of Update V 1.1


I just tried this out and everything works but the /givekeys and items going into the inventory. And I have double checked in the script for the items it gives. The /givekeys shows me a notification that i need to be outside my car and looking at it but when i use /givekeys it doesn’t give the keys to the person next to me.

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You need to be out side the car and the person you are giving the keys too also needs to be looking at the car, I am going to be remaking this to make it easier just wait for version 1.1

Just tried that as well and it didn’t want to work either. What about the items it gives that isn’t going in the inventory tho?

i have a script somwwhere which freezesentity within certain radius of playerped which would prob work well for this idea.ill be sure to send it over to ur seklf if needed once i find it

I am fine it is just a simple native

FreezeEntityPosition(entity, toggle)

Please get it work for Cops… would be realy nice