Delete This Please

You need to be out side the car and the person you are giving the keys too also needs to be looking at the car, I am going to be remaking this to make it easier just wait for version 1.1

Just tried that as well and it didn’t want to work either. What about the items it gives that isn’t going in the inventory tho?

i have a script somwwhere which freezesentity within certain radius of playerped which would prob work well for this idea.ill be sure to send it over to ur seklf if needed once i find it

I am fine it is just a simple native

FreezeEntityPosition(entity, toggle)

Please get it work for Cops… would be realy nice

What do you mean
you need to go into and edit the cop system you want thats not on me to do, I run a secondary framework that does all my cop stuff so I don’t use ESX cop stuff.

It alerts just fine for cops on the gcphone. Maybe add in you need gcphone and the addons of the gcphone for it to work to call the cops.

Ya you need GCphone cop alerts from discworld

omg those graphics???

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If i spawn a car from the esx_policejob Garage i must hotwire it…
I guess its the same with the ambulancejob.

How can i edit it?

Just what I was looking for <3 I good stuff!

make it do this when they spawn the car

TrackVehicle(plate, veh)
            trackedVehicles[plate].canTurnOver = true

can i use esx scripts for menu based server? @PeterGreek

Where do i need to paste that?

Would be nice if you can help me.

No you cant you need ESX for ESX scripts HOWEVER this script can easily be changed over but I would not suggest not to

No you dont just past it,

in the script where you spawn a car do

TriggerEvent("ARPF:spawn:recivekeys", veh,plate)

Past this in my script

AddEventHandler('ARPF:spawn:recivekeys', function(vehicle,plate)
  ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  if vehicle ~= nil or plate ~= nil then 
    vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, false)
  TrackVehicle(plate, vehicle)
  trackedVehicles[plate].canTurnOver = true
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I get this error when I try to buy a vehicle and I get hotwire to a highway or spawned by command

Sry, im still dont know how and where i need to add it, could you help me?

AddEventHandler(‘ARPF:spawn:recivekeys’, function(vehicle,plate)
ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
if vehicle ~= nil or plate ~= nil then
vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, false)
TrackVehicle(plate, vehicle)
trackedVehicles[plate].canTurnOver = true

this code where go? client or server

Great work so far, keep up the good work. Can’t wait for v1.1

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