Delete This Please

Good script, thank you!

BUT cops have to hot wire their own purchased police cars?

I will be adding a tutorial for the cops and other jobs soon. For now please look at the comments above to see how others have made it work for cars that you spawn in.

@PeterGreek Please can you let me know wich script that is that u are using for the carhud? I really want that want but can’t find it…

Thanks for the reply, but the esx police job does not warp you in to a vehicle, it spawns it to a pos then you walk over to it and then you get in (its unlocked) but it then says “press H to hotwire”

I would be happy if we could just whitelist a bunch of cars, that way its not a issue

what a bad script lol

[RELEASE] Enhanced HUD here it is

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Depends on how you made your police job? Does the vehicle save in owned_vehicle? So the police vehicle you buy from police station becomes your vehicle? If thats the case it shouldnt say the H to hotwire. Ive tested it myself. Else step in vehicle press “M” and the script will check if your the owner. If your the owner the engine will start. Else the owner have to give you keys for the vehicle.

Im gonna add a vehicle and job whitelist so some vehicles will open and start also if someone have a whitelisted job

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Its normal since i add this script, all npc car is open? like i dont need to use lockpick?

we have problems when we go in on our cars cant start any idea why this happens?

Just checking to see when the next update will drop

Anyone know what to do when the console says: "No such export DoHudText in resource mythic_notify” and after that it says “No such export SendAlert in resource mythic_notify” ? It happens when I’ve finished all 3 Stages of Hotwiring and the car should turn on, but instead I’m stuck in a weird shaking animation

So what I’ve found out just to let everyone know, the latest version of Mythic_notify does no longer support the function DoHudText, that’s why it’s not working correctly anymore, we’re trying to figure a way out to fix this, will let you know if we’re successful…

Here is a fixed version with notifications working but it requires

instead of the other progressbar which is terrible in my opinion

thanks to @PeterGreek for publishing these changes to Gits original script

i have just fixed the notifications and added the Pogress bar instead (9.8 KB)

your fixed ver need [Disc Base] or not ??

no it does not.

thanks :slight_smile:
that mean i need only ProgressBar and x hotware !!! nothing else !

when i press scarch i m getting this error !! image|690x388

and when i press z forhotware i m getting this

hello whenever I open the server and take out a vehicle from my property, throw error and stop working, any solution for this? otherwise, if I go directly to an npc vehicle, it works perfectly

the error throws me this line according to the console, everything else is perfect and I put it to work with the mythic_progressbar bar

What happened to x-prop? I mean np-propattach, I mean x-prop. Sorry I keep mixing those two because they are so similar. :thinking:

DoHudText is deprecated in Mythic_notify, likely needs to be changed to SendAlert which is the new export for it.