[Release] [ESX] Character Selection

Do you have installed ESX with the database?

Yes. Yes

I applied it to esx_skin.

function OpenSaveableMenu(submitCb, cancelCb, restrict)
TriggerEvent(‘skinchanger:getSkin’, function(skin)
SetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), -205.90, -1012.74, 30.20, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, true)
LastSkin = skin

but it’s not running like in the video

i need help

Hey i tried loggin back in and out multiple times, Still having black screen and such issue. You around to give a hand iv sorted the code correctly

how to create the new character ?? the notification just enter to select character

The black screen is only for 10 seconds, you can change in client/main.lua line 136.

If you don’t have a character then the character option is displayed.

Thanks for the answer, i guess can make multicharacter

Okay thanks for the blackscreen information, It also aint loading the building or anything thats the main issue, You able to give me 5mins help?

I have placed everything correctly according to the installation guide, and this is what happens to me.

First. I get the error they report above

2nd, when I get to “create character and place my name I get the menu to choose expensive clothes, sex and hair, and so on”

Which one or how could I solve it?


working 100% :slight_smile:

Welp looked cool in the video not so much in game followed all the instructions but I cant see anything. After a couple seconds it says select character which I do then it teleports me to my last spot

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This would be the ultimate script if the instructions were more clear, and accessable by all the people who don’t know how to install it above.

And also if it worked with kashacters.

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I got it working but the character faces the wrong way

Working perfectly @NeQ great job

It doe’s work if set it up the correct way just little buggy with glitching out at times but doe’s work and would be good if there was away so you don’t see a player spawn in then go’s to this screen as what happen’s is when first spawn in the map you see a npc player spawn then it go’s to this and sometimes bugs out so all the back wall and everything else is glitched out.

How did you solve your problem, i have the same

We got it to work. Its awesome! Really cool release and its working properly for us.

What about screenfadein on player spawn? To make a blackscreen so ppl wont see their player spawning first