[Release] [ESX] Car Bomb

Thank you. Any community content is welcomed and will be added to the original post :slight_smile:

thank you works like a charm
reporting from latest esx

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if after armed bomb can choose type will be great . good work !

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So after some testing, if someone has somewhat of a higher ping and the vehicle is going too fast, they essentially outrun the explosion lol. (Not sure if itā€™s because of where the explosion is triggered tbh.)

I do suggest keeping the speed value lower to compensate for this (if this is a setting you enable.)

Looking over my code, thatā€™s absolutely possible. The explosion is triggered by the client that originally planted the device. So if the driver was not the owner of the device, and was going fast, and had high ping, then yep totally feasible to think they might ā€œoutrunā€ the explosion. I will patch this immediately, thanks for the report!

Edit: Iā€™m going to change quite a lot I think. Might take me a little bit to complete, but weā€™re going to track what cars have bombs attatched server-side and then make the client check when they get into a car against that list. Can I send you a copy before I release it for testing? @ROCKY_southpaw

Yea thatā€™s totally fine, I donā€™t mind testing. :stuck_out_tongue:

It works 100%, I put it to the Mechanics of my server, it is amazing! Many thanks

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Is it possible to make it send notifications to discord?
so the community can keep track of who got carbombed.

Definitely possible using webhooks or a bot. But beyond what I am wanting to do with this script. Feel free to edit it as you like :slight_smile:

im missing the bomb icon, when i open my inventory i bomb is a blank space which makes it kinda annoying when trying to pull the image to the use button.

anyone know how to make the original icon appear or change the original icon to some other icon?

other then this the carbomb works great big thumbs up and a like!

if you use the esx_inventoryhud script you just add your own icon to the images folder and then make sure to add it to the fxmanifest.lua

thank you!

What do I name the car bomb in my sql database?


works like charm! But i have a problem! when someone get in the vehicle and the bomb explodes the player is still aliveā€¦ 0 damage on the player! Im doing something wrong?

Sounds like you have godmode enabled or something, never encountered this during testingā€¦

no godmode, nothing, still 0 damage!

How do you select the different types of explosives?


Realized that its in the config for that, is it possible to make it to where you can use all the different types instead of having to reconfig it?

@DevBear please can u do something for me cause when the bomb explodes the player is not getting damage! Can u please help me to fix this?

Totally possible, but I will not be making further additions to this. :slight_smile:

You must have a conflicting script. No one else has encountered this issue that Iā€™ve heard of. I am not able to reproduce the issue. Must be something on your end.

no worries at all! love the script! as for @alexkatsanos If you are using the speed explosive i noticed if you go over around 70 mph it doesnt register the explosion correctly since the player is moving too fast so that might be whats going on.

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