
Welcome everyone! I release another one of my scripts. Its just some simple auto repair shop for cars. Its pretty simple, but hey! I try my best to be original! I’ll be updating it soon to get more configs and add more features! But for now its just this little script.

-Possible payments!
-Translations! en and pl!
-pNotify and mythic_notify support!
-Active LSC count!
-Multiple locations can be added!
-3D text!

Soon I will add more things. For now its just that! I hope you guys enjoy!


es_extended (obviously :wink: )

mythic_notify or pNotify


None (for now :smiley: )


Update 1.0
-Added pNotify support.
-Added translations
-Added config for showing blips on map(Idk why)
-Added some little changes that are so damn important I forgot about them :hugs:
Update 1.1
-Added translation for text that shows up when you’re near the point.
-Separated Interaction from showing text
-Added more configs for text and background for it
-Added separated config for distance of interaction and draw text.

That’s it for now… ^^

I have no idea what can I add to this script. If someone wants you can give me your ideas here in comments or on github. I’d appreciate it. Thanks!

My other work:

[Release] free Simple AI doctor - FiveM Resource Development & Modding / Releases - Cfx.re Community


thanks . going to try it soon

Will you be adding screenshots and showcase.

Oh right. Yeah, give me a second. I will add screenshot, brb :wink:

I added video. Simple auto repair… Right? :slight_smile:

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Can you add an option to count the mechanics on the server and then disable the script if there is an online mechanic member?

well. It works like that! It counts online mechanic and then if there are enough mechanics in service then script will just send message that you should go to the main mechanic(player) so… It works like that. If I missed something reply and give more details. :slight_smile:

yes sure thank you

Unfortunately the script does not work with mythic or pnotify for me.

Error: SCRIPT ERROR @esx_autorepairshop/client.main.lua:56: attempt to call a nil value (global ‘_U’)


SCRIPT ERROR @esx_autorepairshop/client.main.lua:58: attempt to call a nil value (global ‘_U’)

Can you please help?

Also how can I increase the radius on which the message appears for starting the repair and adjust the color of the text?

Also how can I change the notification to show centered or on the left instead of right - if it appears?

About errors: Do you have locale set to ‘en’ in config.lua? and do you have ‘success_message’ translated in locales/en.lua? And do you have any other errors about other messages?

About text:
And text colour is at line 185 client/main.lua
And radius is only available for now with “Vdist2(some numbers) > 3” You would need to change number 3 to other like 5 or something else. That means players will be able to activate script from further distance. I will work on that…

Edit: I downloaded version from github and it shows to me the same way. That’s weird cause I have exacly the same script that I uploaded from and it works there. I’ll update script in few moments.

Nevermind… Github decided that my changes in fxmanifest weren’t neccessery for them to update file. Just update fxmanifest and it should work as intended. Sorry for confusion.

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And about notifications. Im not sure if that’s possible but with pNotify you would need to was one od two variables. I will add example in a moment.

Well. I found one. But I couldnt copy it. Just find pNotify on forum and you will just need to replace example from There instead of mine export. Pretty Easy stuff.

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Thanks for your fast replies!

I have translated the success message to german but left it in the “en” file and set it to “en” in config - I will try your solution with fxmanifest. Also regarding the text I will try that. Thank you so much - btw great script - exactly what I was looking for!

Its quite nice to hear this! I’ve looked for pNotify example and I think this is the best one you could replace.

text = _U(‘success_message’),
type = “success”,
timeout = 2000,
layout = “centerLeft”,
queue = “left”

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